I have the Bob Swift Create on Transition Add On Installed. I can see create subtask post function but not create issue post function. Is there anything that I need to do to have that create issue po...
I've been using the COT plugin for a while and finding it really helpful. I have a new requirement that I'm a bit stumped on, though, and I'm wondering if the conditions are just too much for this pl...
Hello, We purchased and implemented the Create on Transition add-on to create automatically sub-task using a transition. I configured it in one of the transitions we have (when moving from 'op...
Hey, I’m using "Create on Transition for Jira"- Bob Swift plugin and I’m trying to create another issue when transition is move to done. So I created post function and the problem is tha...
I'm trying to set up my first use of the Create on Transition add-on. I have a fairly simple requirement - when a new epic is created, create a subtask associated to that epic. I've followed the inst...
Hello! I try to create subtasks in workflow (different set of subtasks in different transition) and depending on transition I would like to have different Checklist options. I created a customfield...
How to use this function componentLead(projectKey, componentName) to update custom field in Create issue post-function ? I tried follow: Set custom field: field_id Custom field val...
Similiar to %project% or the like I want to use the name of the active sprint to be used in the summary while doing a create on transition. I use Bob Swifts Create on Transition plugin. I also have ...
Is it possible to auto create a sub-task to another issue in the same project? Thanks
I was successful in creating the story but how do I add the epic link to the story created from the epic?
Hello, I am not sure if I am doing something wrong. I have several subtasks being created from one issue on one transition. All the tasks are created ok and all fields I chose are copied ok except ...
Helo, In the following link https://bobswift.atlassian.net/wiki/display/CSOT/How+to+create+subtasks+on+initial+issue+create You describe "How to create subtasks on initial issue create". In ste...
Hi This is regarding the "Create on Transition for JIRA" plugin pricing. Is the users count mentioned in the pricing is the 'Jira application users' or this specific plugin users in jira? We ha...
Hi, We use Create on Transition to create new issues. What we want to do is : - select a component for the source issue - create a new issue in a project that depends on the component selected...
We want to create multiple issues using a multi-select list (in fact we finally need this to be done with a database query using the nFeed plugin, but that's step two we want to accomplish) The usec...
Hello We detected a huge problem. Using create subtask on transition sometimes doesn't create subtask, instead it create a not subtask issue (but with subtask issue type)! We can not detect which ...
I could see a way to copy the original tickets Comments to the new ticket. Is there a way?
Hi We utilise this plugin and need to obtain a development licence as we have now moved to a 2 tier deployment structure (dev & live). How do I go about getting a dev licence? R...
Im trying to test this plugin before purchase, but im having issues linking the created issue on transition to its parent issue. When updating the parameters on the "Link" field im entering %parent_k...
COT is setup and working. Currently I am auto-generating several custom sub-tasks based on a multi-check box field value in the parent ticket. Issue I am trying to problem solve is how to copy(tr...
Hi all, we are facing the many errors in the logs the following are the few errors in jira 5.0.7 are:- 2013-01-25 13:23:00,901 http-8088-5 ERROR jirasupport 802x129x1 1lclxq0 /secur...
We recently upgraded from JIRA 4.4.1 to 5.2.2. We also updated the Create on Transition plugin. We are trying to delete six Jira issues from a "Test" project but not able to do so. There are 6 iss...
() () () HI, we face the issue of “Could not load FunctionProvider class” when users try to click on submit for review after creating a Metadata Change. recently i installed the two following plugi...
Looks like a great plugin. Though I wonder if I could do the following: - create a project issue - if(!) that issue has a certain component (eg 'design'), auto-create a sub-ticket for 'design' ...
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