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Weird behavior when using Create on Transition add-on

Mobileye Atlassian Licenses February 28, 2018


We purchased and implemented the Create on Transition add-on to create automatically sub-task using a transition.

I configured it in one of the transitions we have (when moving from 'open'  to 'in integration' transition).

In addition, I added few conditions to the creation of the sub-task, such as:

* The issue should only be created if there is not identical issue for the same parent issue for that version.

* The issue should only be created if 'BundleUse' field = 'Pulling additional algorithmic trees into an existing Bundle' AND 'VersionType' field = SOP.


The problem is that one time the sub-task is created and another time it's not.

For example: I performed the specific transition for one issue in a specific project and the sub-task was created successfully, few seconds later- I performed the same transition for another issue in the same specific project but the sub-task was not created.

For both cases, all conditions were fully met.

I'm not sure what is the reason for that problem.

In the transition I configured the following configuration:

Create subtask 

  • Ignore if original issue is a subtask
  • Condition value: %jql_result_count%, Regex pattern: 0, Exact, Literal
  • Condition value: BundleUse:%customfield_14698%, VersionType: %customfield_12682%, Regex pattern: BundleUse:(Pulling additional algorithmic trees into an existing Bundle), VersionType: (SOP), Exact

Summary: Project branch request 
Issue type: Project Branch Request (11000) 
Priority: Parent's priority 
Reporter: Current user 
Assignee: Current user 
Affected versions: None 
Fixed versions: Parent issue's fixed versions 
Components: None 
JQL query: (parent = %parent_key%) and (fixVersion = %parent_fixed_versions%) and (summary ~ "Project branch request")


Do you have any idea what is the problem?




1 answer

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Deleted user May 9, 2018

Hello @Mobileye Atlassian Licenses,


Did you verify whether the other issue is also using the same workflow? If yes, then we need to debug it further. Could you please create a support request here so we can help you.




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