Where is the configuration file for certificate ssl?

Massimo July 10, 2020


I need to upload the new ssl certificate, .crt and bundle.

Ok I can upload the new ones, but I have seen that I have also to edit a file and write the new certificate name. 

But I don't know where is this file to edit

I have searched for gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt in all the site, to locate where to replace the gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt

And I have found that this file is in 2 locations: 



But the question is: where is the file in which I have to write the new certificate name? 

there is not a file in a folder like:  /etc/httpd/conf.d   nor a file in a folder like /etc/apache2 

I don't know where it can be

If someone can help me, thanks


1 answer

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Mone Dileep Kumar July 10, 2020

Hi @Massimo , 

In Jira regarding the https or https certificate related thing you can specify in the server.xml file which located in the <install-path>/conf.

This article may help you for configiring this. 




Best Regards

None Dileep Kumar

Massimo July 13, 2020

thanks, I will try

Massimo July 13, 2020

Hi, @Mone Dileep Kumar  your help is very appreciated. I have found the server.xml file, but I have not found inside any information about the certificate. 

No written inside the name: 27c0cadc81aa6385.crt 

In the same folder there is the certificate 27c0cadc81aa6385.crt 

and there is also a sub-folder named "certs" in which I see:

- the same certificate 27c0cadc81aa6385.crt

- the bundle: gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt

- csr.txt

- and a file .jks

Do you know what can I do? it maybe means there is no certificate set ?

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