Unable to set TimeTracking using JIRA API

Cristina Del Fabbro January 20, 2022
Hi all, 
I have a problem with editing issue trying to set originalEstimate using API.
I'm using basic authentication for user with admin pemission, I create a new issue making POST call to this url {{jira_url}}/rest/api/3/issue with the following body 

    "fields": {



            "key": "XXX"


        "summary": "Marketing Advertising",

        "description": {

      "type": "doc",

      "version": 1,

      "content": [


          "type": "paragraph",

          "content": [


              "text": "Analisi e Definizione Contenuti strategico. Analisi della concorrenza, studio della percezione dell'immagine e dell'identità aziendale presso il \"pubblico\", analisi del mercato di appartenenza e conseguente definizione delle strategie di comunicazione e del marketing operativo. Determinazione e definizione dell'organizzazione dei documenti strategici commerciali (Cross media strategy - Concept publishing). Definizione dei contenuti per la la predisposizione delle CH.",

              "type": "text"






        "issuetype": {

            "name": "Task"



and then I update the issue created making a PUT call to this url {{jira_url}}/rest/api/2/issue/{{issueKey}} with the following body

    "fields": {

        "timetracking": [


                "edit": {

                    "originalEstimate": "3d 0h"





The result message is 

    "errorMessages": [],

    "errors": {

        "timetracking": "Field 'timetracking' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown."


but if I try to set originalEstimate by UI interface I can do that. How I can enable timetracking field globally?
Note that:
- I have verified on Settings > Issues > TimeTracking and seems to be enabled
Schermata 2022-01-20 alle 10.33.37.png
- I have added Timetracking field on Settings > Issues > Screen for Kanbug Bug Screen and Kanban Default Issue Screen

5 answers

2 votes
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February 4, 2023

You need to add TimeTracking to your screens

  1. -> Projects -> "Project Name" -> Project settings (left pane, bottom) -> Screens (left pane, middle)
  2. For all screen configuration schemes:
    1. For all screens in the scheme:
      1. in Actoins chose -> Configure Screen
      2. Scroll to the bottom of the list
      3. Add field "Time Tracking"

usually is is enough to set only Default Issue

Sundararamaprasad Subbaraman
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April 26, 2023

Thank you for the suggestion and it worked for me.

Aron Kuch
November 6, 2023

That fixed it for me. Grazie!

0 votes
Richard Medina
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August 6, 2024

Thank you!!!

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Borhan Rezaei
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June 1, 2022

I also have this problem. Did you find a solution?

0 votes
Pramodh M
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January 20, 2022

For adding worklog follow the API here


Let me know if you have any further questions



Cristina Del Fabbro January 20, 2022

Hi @Pramodh Mthis is not useful to me.
I don't want to insert a worklog but an originalEstimate just created the ticket

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Pramodh M
Community Leader
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January 20, 2022

Hi @Cristina Del Fabbro 

Welcome to the community 🙂

Try to include the below body in your request in your edit issue API


"{ "timetracking": [ { "edit": { "remainingEstimate": "4d", "originalEstimate": "1w 1d" } } ] }"



Cristina Del Fabbro January 20, 2022

@Pramodh M, thanks for your replay but not works. 
I I had already tried adding remainingEstimate but the result message is the same :-(

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