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Script runner - Access to Component of third part plugins (like Profields plugin, or any other)

Vincent Thoulé _Alkaes_ April 5, 2018


I have, 2 months ago, implemented a Script Post-Function with Scriptrunner where I was accessing Profield plugin from Deiser.
It looks like as follow ...

import com.deiser.jira.profields.api.project.SearchService
import com.deiser.jira.profields.api.value.ValueService
import com.deiser.jira.profields.api.field.FieldService
import com.deiser.jira.profields.api.field.Field

import com.deiser.jira.profields.api.field.item.list.ListItem
import com.deiser.jira.profields.api.field.item.list.ListItemService
import com.deiser.jira.profields.api.field.textmultiple.TextMultipleField
import com.deiser.jira.profields.api.field.list.multiple.ListMultipleField
class MyClass {
static FieldService fieldService
static ValueService valueService
static SearchService searchService
static ListItemService listItemService

ListMultipleField projectModelField

def String getProjectModel (Project _project) {
String projectModel = null;
def List<ListItem> projectModelFieldItems = valueService.getValue(_project, projectModelField)
if (projectModelFieldItems.size() > 0) {
projectModel = projectModelFieldItems.iterator().next().value
return projectModel

This morning, since I had to build new process with a similar implementation, I have accessed the active workflows in order to extract the Post-Function Script as model.
And strange, the script was marked in error as described in

The feature was always operational, and no error was reported by our users.
I have then edited the Workflow in order to understand the root cause of errors.

Without explanation, I tried to reproduce the error in a Dev. envinronment. It was the same.
Then, since I did not have used the @WithPlugin annotation, I decided to implement it.
I begin to write the correct syntaxe it on Scriptrunnner Console.
After having elaborate the correct script, I swicth to the Scriptrunner Post-Function, and surprise, there was no more error.

I have no idea about what could be the root cause of this behaviour. It is as if a 1st usage of @WithPlugin("com.deiser.jira.profields") caused a an availability of the component in any Scriptrunner scritps, in a cache. Since the previous restart of JIRA, the component was no more avaialble until a new usage of @WithPlugin("com.deiser.jira.profields").

In doubt, I have added the @WithPlugin("com.deiser.jira.profields") ... and I will se after next JIRA restart.

Any idea ?

Thanks by advance

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Atlassian Partner
April 5, 2018

Hello @Vincent Thoulé _Alkaes_, it seems that you haven't used the function @WithPlugin("com.deiser.jira.profields") in the original script. This is mandatory to access add-on functions in Script Runner. 

After you added it, does it work?

Vincent Thoulé _Alkaes_ April 5, 2018

Hi David,

It is exact ... I did not have used the @WithPlugin annotation in this script, but in others (RestPoint), but it worked.

The error was displayed only when accessing the source code since a long time (after different restart).

I have added the annotation just today and will see how it will evolve.

It works for the moment.

My focus is also to understand why it worked without the annotation !


Atlassian Partner
April 5, 2018

I see your point @Vincent Thoulé _Alkaes_, I guess is something that our friends from Adaptavist can answer much better than us.

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