Release notes custom templates- filter by status

Tal Erez October 1, 2020


I would like to create a custom release notes template using velocity. I already read the documentation and know how to create a new template & update the accordingly in order to apply the new template.

However, i'm quite new to velocity and have quite troubles with writing the desired code.


I would like to create a template and filter it by status (for example, show release notes for only "Resolved", or only "Ready for installation").

Anybody has any idea for implementation of such a template?


Thanks in advance 

1 answer

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Tal Erez October 1, 2020

This is what I wrote so far:


#foreach ($issueType in $issueTypes)

    #if($issueType.issues.size() > 0)



        #foreach ($issue in $issueType.issues)

        #set ($status = $issue.getStatusObject())

                #if (($status.getId() == "10002" || $status.getId() == "10004" || $status.getId() == "10005" || $status.getId() == "5" || $status.getId() == "6"))

                 <li>[<a href='$!requestContext.baseUrl/browse/$issue.key'>$issue.key</a>] - $textUtils.htmlEncode($issue.summary)</li>



Am I missing something?

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