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Criação de filtros de Raias

Vinícius Pereira
March 21, 2025

Pessoal, boa tarde!

Possuo o Jira Software Standard e, por default, o topo da hierarquia de Itens é o Épico. Porém, criei um Item chamado "Iniciativa" que, na nossa hierarquia interna, fica "acima" do Épico. Faço o link da Iniciativa com o Épico através do campo "Itens Vinculados". Foi uma forma alternativa que encontramos, pois não temos a versão Premium e, por isso, não conseguimos alterar a hierarquia da forma correta.


Criei um painel com apenas os Épicos, porém, eles ficam todos misturados, não separando por Iniciativas. Sendo assim, pensei em criar Raias a partir do campo "Itens Vinculados". Mas, na minha versão do Jira, ele somente permite a criação a partir dos campos "Histórias", "Responsável", "Épico" e "Projetos". Percebi que existe uma opção chamada "Consulta".

É possível criar uma Consulta utilizando o campo "Itens Vinculados" e, em caso positivo, conseguem me ajudar a criá-la?

Desta forma, eu conseguiria separar os Épicos por Raias, de acordo com o respectivo Item Vinculado.





2 answers

0 votes
Hannes Obweger - JXL for Jira
Atlassian Partner
March 23, 2025

Hi @Vinícius Pereira

if I understand correctly, you created issue links between Epics and a custom "Initiative" issue type, and want to see initiatives and their epics in their hierarchy, like e.g.

PPPR-1 Initiative

   Epic PPPR-2

   Epic PPPR-3

PPPR-4 Initiative

   Epic PPPR-5

I also understand that you don't have Jira Premium.

To the best of my knowledge, this isn't available in Jira - you'll need extra tooling. E.g., if you're open to solutions from the Atlassian Marketplace, this would be easy to do using the app that my team and I are working on: JXL for Jira.

JXL is a full-fledged spreadsheet/table view for your issues that allows viewing, inline-editing, sorting, and filtering by all your issue fields, much like you’d do in e.g. Excel or Google Sheets. It also comes with a long list of advanced features, including support for configurable issue hierarchies. The issue hierarchies can be based on Jira built-in parent/child relationships (like task/sub-task, or epic/story), and/or based on issue links of configurable issue link types.

This is how it look in action:


In this case, epics like e.g. WORK-143 are connected to their parent initiative via an issue link.

This works for any Jira site, and doesn't require Jira Premium. I should also add that JXL can do much more than the above: From From support for issue grouping by any issue field(s), to sum-upsconditional formatting, or inline bulk-editing via copy/paste.

Any questions just let me know,



0 votes
Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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March 21, 2025

Olá @Vinícius Pereira ,

Você pode usar a opção Consultas para criar raias com base nas Iniciativas. No entanto, você terá que criar uma Consulta de Raia para cada Iniciativa individual. Exemplo

problema em linkedWorkItems("INITIATIVE-1")

problema em linkedWorkItems("INITIATIVE-2")

problema em linkedWorkItems("INITIATIVE-3")




You can use the Queries option to create swimlanes based on the Initiatives. However, you will have to create one Swimlane Query for each individual Initiative. Example

issue in linkedWorkItems("INITIATIVE-1")

issue in linkedWorkItems("INITIATIVE-2")

issue in linkedWorkItems("INITIATIVE-3")


Creating Swimlane Filters

Good afternoon everyone!

I have Jira Software Standard and, by default, the top of the Item hierarchy is the Epic. However, I created an Item called "Initiative" which, in our internal hierarchy, is "above" the Epic. I link the Initiative to the Epic through the "Linked Items" field. This was an alternative way we found, since we do not have the Premium version and, therefore, we cannot change the hierarchy correctly.

I created a panel with only the Epics, however, they are all mixed up, not separated by Initiatives. Therefore, I thought about creating Swimlanes from the "Linked Items" field. However, in my version of Jira, it only allows creation from the "Stories", "Responsible", "Epic" and "Projects" fields. I noticed that there is an option called "Query".

Is it possible to create a Query using the "Linked Items" field and, if so, can you help me create it?

This way, I would be able to separate the Epics by Lanes, according to the respective Linked Item.

Vinícius Pereira
March 21, 2025

Olá  @Trudy Claspill 

Entendo a proposta de solução, porém, posso ter várias Iniciativas em um projeto específico. Sendo assim, vou ter um trabalho enorme de ficar criando filtros para novos projetos.

Eu havia pensado em alguma forma de filtrar somente os "Itens Vinculados" de um determinado Projeto, separando por Iniciativa.

Por exemplo: temos o Projeto que tem a chave "PPPR". Então, pensei em filtrar todos as Iniciativas do Projeto "PPPR". Imagine que existam 2 Iniciativas neste Projeto. Daí teríamos, por exemplo: Iniciativas PPPR-1 e PPPR-4 e, cada uma, com seus respectivos Épicos "vinculados".

Iniciativa PPPR-1

   Épico PPPR-2

   Épico PPPR-3

Iniciativa PPPR-4

   Épico PPPR-5


Na Consulta, teríamos algo do tipo:

linkedWorkItems (Project = "PPPR" and issuetype = Iniciativa)


Algo parecido com isso é possível de fazer ou a única solução é a que você sugeriu anteriormente?


Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
March 21, 2025

Olá @Vinícius Pereira ,

Você perguntou especificamente sobre a criação de Swimlanes. Não é possível ter os swimlanes criados dinamicamente para qualquer conjunto de Iniciativas incluído no filtro do seu quadro e ter os problemas vinculados para cada Iniciativa aparecendo em seu respectivo swimlane.

Além disso, seu filtro proposto não tem sintaxe válida:

linkedWorkItems (Project = "PPPR" e issuetype = Iniciativa)

Revise a documentação acessada por meio do link que forneci na minha resposta anterior.

É possível construir esse tipo de filtro com aplicativos de terceiros, como o ScriptRunner Enhanced Search. No entanto, isso não resolve seu requisito original sobre a criação de swimlanes.

Pode haver um aplicativo de terceiros que forneça um método para criar swimlanes de maneira mais dinâmica, mas não estou ciente de tal aplicativo.




You asked specifically about creating Swimlanes. It is not possible to have the swimlanes created dynamically for whatever set of Initiatives is included in your board filter and have the linked issues for each Initiative appear in its respective swimlane.

Additionally your proposed filter is not valid syntax:

linkedWorkItems (Project = "PPPR" and issuetype = Iniciativa)

Review the documentation accessed through the link I provided in my previous response.

It is possible to construct that type of filter with third party apps, such as ScriptRunner Enhanced Search. However, that does not solve your original requirement regarding creating swimlanes.

There may be a third party app that provides a method for creating swimlanes in a more dynamic manner, but I am not aware of such an app.


I understand the proposed solution, however, I can have several Initiatives in a specific project. Therefore, I will have a huge amount of work creating filters for new projects.

I had thought of some way to filter only the "Linked Items" of a given Project, separating them by Initiative.

For example: we have the Project that has the key "PPPR". So, I thought of filtering all the Initiatives of the "PPPR" Project. Imagine that there are 2 Initiatives in this Project. Then we would have, for example: Initiatives PPPR-1 and PPPR-4, and each one with their respective "linked" Epics.

Initiative PPPR-1

Epic PPPR-2

Epic PPPR-3

Initiative PPPR-4

Epic PPPR-5

In the Query, we would have something like:

linkedWorkItems (Project = "PPPR" and issuetype = Initiative)

Is something like this possible to do or is the only solution the one you suggested earlier?


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