How could I search for issues that were flagged at some point in their lifecycle

April 20, 2022

Hi all,


I'm trying to see if there's a way to be able to filter issues that were blocked at some point during their journey from To Do - Done.

From what I can see, the Flagged field doesn't have a history that can be searched, but I wondered if there was another way (with a plugin if needed, we've got ScriptRunner). Whatever the potential solution, it must be saveable as a quick filter.

The reason for this is that I'm trying to see, via the control chart, if there's any of the anomalous plots that were blocked or not, to give us some really quick insight in to what we should dig in to (if it was blocked, for example, then it would give you the ability to ignore it/deprioritise any investigation - we want the whole thing to be quite quick and help us focus on where to look for lessons to be learned).


Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

1 answer

0 votes
May 5, 2022

Just gonna give this a lil bump.

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