Hi, I am jira dmin in our company and I am not really good at coding, so I have a "main" issue with key ESMOSD-xxxx and then I have a linked issues, which are some kind of "sub-tasks" but not sub-tasks exactly... And i need to check if the linked issue have key like "ESMOSV-xxxx" and if so, I need to copy the Assignee field of the linked issue into customfield named "Technik" in original servicedesk field "ESMOSD-xxxx"
I assembled some groovy code to be executed via workflow transiton, but it is just a hybrid from multiple web pages:
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.IssueFieldConstants
// the name of the field to copy
final String fieldNameToCopy = "Assignee"
// leave blank to copy from the last linked issue (regardless the link type)
final String issueLinkTypeName = "Vykazovanie"
def fieldManager = ComponentAccessor.fieldManager
def fieldToCopy = fieldManager.allAvailableNavigableFields.find { it.name == fieldNameToCopy }
if (!fieldToCopy) {
log.info "Could not find field with name $fieldNameToCopy"
def linkedIssues = ComponentAccessor.issueLinkManager.getOutwardLinks(issue.id)
if (!linkedIssues) {
log.info "There are no linked issues"
if (issueLinkTypeName && !(issueLinkTypeName in linkedIssues*.issueLinkType*.name)) {
log.info "Could not find any issue, linked with the $issueLinkTypeName issue type"
def linkedIssue = issueLinkTypeName ?
linkedIssues.findAll { it.issueLinkType.name == issueLinkTypeName }.last().destinationObject :
def fieldToCopyId = fieldToCopy.id
def customFieldManager = ComponentAccessor.getCustomFieldManager()
def myCustomField = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObject("customfield_13600")
switch (fieldToCopyId) {
case fieldManager.&isCustomFieldId:
def customField = ComponentAccessor.customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObject(fieldToCopyId)
def linkedIssueCustomFieldValue = linkedIssue.getCustomFieldValue(customField)
issue.setCustomFieldValue(customField, linkedIssueCustomFieldValue)
case IssueFieldConstants.COMPONENTS:
def commonComponents = linkedIssue.components.findAll { it.name in issue.components*.name }
case IssueFieldConstants.FIX_FOR_VERSIONS:
def commonFixedVersions = linkedIssue.fixVersions.findAll { it.name in issue.fixVersions*.name }
case IssueFieldConstants.AFFECTED_VERSIONS:
def commonVersions = linkedIssue.affectedVersions.findAll { it.name in issue.affectedVersions*.name }
myCustomField = linkedIssue[fieldToCopyId]
I have managed to make it working If I am copying the assignee field of linked issue into assignee field of parent issue, but If I am trying to copy it into the customfield it fails without a single word in logs. The customfield which I am trying to copy into it is type "Single user picker" if this is a problem it can be changed to text type CF... PLS help
Hi Lukas,
Assuming this is a postfunction for your "parent" issue, here's the logic (if I understood you correctly):
1) Find an issue linked to your "parent" through "Vykazovanie" link type
2) If such issue is found, check if it belongs to ESMOSV project
3) Copy that issue's assignee to parent's "Technik" field
The code is as follows:
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.event.type.EventDispatchOption
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.MutableIssue
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.CustomField
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.link.IssueLink
import com.atlassian.jira.user.ApplicationUser
ApplicationUser currentUser = ComponentAccessor.getJiraAuthenticationContext().getLoggedInUser()
MutableIssue parent = issue
List<IssueLink> vykazovanieLinks = ComponentAccessor.getIssueLinkManager().getOutwardLinks(parent.getId()).findAll{it.getIssueLinkType().getName().equals("Vykazovanie")}
if (vykazovanieLinks) {
Issue linkedIssue = vykazovanieLinks.find{it.getDestinationObject().getProjectObject().getKey().equals("ESMOSV")}?.getDestinationObject()
if (linkedIssue){
CustomField technik = ComponentAccessor.getCustomFieldManager().getCustomFieldObjectByName("Technik")
parent.setCustomFieldValue(technik, linkedIssue.getAssignee())
ComponentAccessor.getIssueManager().updateIssue(currentUser, parent, EventDispatchOption.ISSUE_UPDATED, false)
Hi Ivan, yes you get it exactly as I mean it... so I picked your code, inserted it in JIRA and there is one error and one warning:
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Indeed, my mistake. I've updated the code above. You can ignore the warning on line 16. Also please make sure that you place this post function LAST in the post function list in your transition.
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So, I have it set exactly as you mentioned... post function is last in a row... after I tried it, nothig happened and I found this in log:
2019-11-07 12:33:18,007 ERROR [workflow.AbstractScriptWorkflowFunction]: ************************************************************************************* 2019-11-07 12:33:18,007 ERROR [workflow.AbstractScriptWorkflowFunction]: Script function failed on issue: ESMOSD-4061, actionId: 351, file: null java.lang.ClassCastException: com.atlassian.jira.user.DelegatingApplicationUser cannot be cast to com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue at com.onresolve.scriptrunner.canned.jira.fields.editable.issue.SingleIssuePickerField.getDbValueFromObject(SingleIssuePickerField.groovy) at com.atlassian.jira.issue.customfields.impl.AbstractSingleFieldType.createValue(AbstractSingleFieldType.java:143) at com.onresolve.scriptrunner.canned.jira.fields.editable.AbstractTrackedSingleFieldType.super$3$createValue(AbstractTrackedSingleFieldType.groovy) at com.onresolve.scriptrunner.canned.jira.fields.editable.AbstractTrackedSingleFieldType.createValue(AbstractTrackedSingleFieldType.groovy:25) at com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.ImmutableCustomField.createValue(ImmutableCustomField.java:693) at com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.ImmutableCustomField.updateValue(ImmutableCustomField.java:410) at com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.ImmutableCustomField.updateValue(ImmutableCustomField.java:396) at com.atlassian.jira.issue.managers.DefaultIssueManager.updateFieldValues(DefaultIssueManager.java:728) at com.atlassian.jira.issue.managers.DefaultIssueManager.updateIssue(DefaultIssueManager.java:681) at com.atlassian.jira.issue.managers.DefaultIssueManager.updateIssue(DefaultIssueManager.java:667) at com.atlassian.jira.issue.managers.RequestCachingIssueManager.updateIssue(RequestCachingIssueManager.java:217) at com.atlassian.jira.issue.IssueManager$updateIssue$0.call(Unknown Source) at Script121726.run(Script121726.groovy:18)
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Can you explain to me in simple way what is the issue? Maybe it is problem, that I am trying it on test instance of our jira, and this instance is for some reasons unstable...
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UPDATE: In production instance it is perfectly working, som it is only issue in test instance. So I really want to send you a huuge THANKS :)
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You have quite a lot going on in your script.
However, here's a quick and short script to set a user custom field of a linked issue = assignee of original issue. I also implemented your required conditions/checks.
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.link.IssueLink
import com.atlassian.jira.event.type.EventDispatchOption
def issue = ComponentAccessor.getIssueManager().getIssueObject("MSD-50") //dummy issue - delete this
String[] validLinkTypes = ["Relates", "Blocks"]
List<IssueLink> allIssueLinks = ComponentAccessor.getIssueLinkManager().getOutwardLinks(issue.getId()) // or getInwardLinks if incoming
List<Issue> allLinkedIssues = new ArrayList<Issue>()
for(Iterator<IssueLink> iterator = allIssueLinks.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();){
IssueLink issueLink = (IssueLink) iterator.next()
def issueLinkIssue = issueLink.getDestinationObject() //or getSourceObject
//check issue key form. maybe better check the project key?
def targetCf = ComponentAccessor.getCustomFieldManager().getCustomFieldObjectsByName("Responsible")[0]
for(Issue linkedIssue : allLinkedIssues){
linkedIssue.setCustomFieldValue(targetCf, issue.assignee ?: null)
//Save the changes
def user = ComponentAccessor.getUserManager().getUserByKey("admin") //robot user
ComponentAccessor.getIssueManager().updateIssue(user, linkedIssue, EventDispatchOption.DO_NOT_DISPATCH, false)
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Hi, many thx for your help, but when I insert your code into jira thre are two errors:
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Can you test and just run it once?
Also check if you have all the imports.
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Yes, imports are exactly as in your code and I run it once, this is result:
2019-11-07 10:16:41,546 WARN [workflow.AbstractScriptWorkflowFunction]: 2019-11-07 10:16:41,688 ERROR [workflow.AbstractScriptWorkflowFunction]: ************************************************************************************* 2019-11-07 10:16:41,699 ERROR [workflow.AbstractScriptWorkflowFunction]: Script function failed on issue: ESMOSD-4061, actionId: 351, file: null java.lang.ClassCastException: com.atlassian.jira.user.DelegatingApplicationUser cannot be cast to com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue at com.onresolve.scriptrunner.canned.jira.fields.editable.issue.SingleIssuePickerField.getDbValueFromObject(SingleIssuePickerField.groovy) at com.atlassian.jira.issue.customfields.impl.AbstractSingleFieldType.createValue(AbstractSingleFieldType.java:143) at com.onresolve.scriptrunner.canned.jira.fields.editable.AbstractTrackedSingleFieldType.super$3$createValue(AbstractTrackedSingleFieldType.groovy) at com.onresolve.scriptrunner.canned.jira.fields.editable.AbstractTrackedSingleFieldType.createValue(AbstractTrackedSingleFieldType.groovy:25) at com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.ImmutableCustomField.createValue(ImmutableCustomField.java:693) at com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.ImmutableCustomField.updateValue(ImmutableCustomField.java:410) at com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.ImmutableCustomField.updateValue(ImmutableCustomField.java:396) at com.atlassian.jira.issue.managers.DefaultIssueManager.updateFieldValues(DefaultIssueManager.java:728) at com.atlassian.jira.issue.managers.DefaultIssueManager.updateIssue(DefaultIssueManager.java:681) at com.atlassian.jira.issue.managers.DefaultIssueManager.updateIssue(DefaultIssueManager.java:667) at com.atlassian.jira.issue.managers.RequestCachingIssueManager.updateIssue(RequestCachingIssueManager.java:217) at com.atlassian.jira.issue.IssueManager$updateIssue.call(Unknown Source) at Script121705.run(Script121705.groovy:32
And I deleted line with issue defining as was written in a note, because I need this to be done on current isssue - the one on which is WF transition being made.
Sorry for my bad english...
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