Change the sender mail address of notifications and reply address to open Tickets

Tobias Plankl July 8, 2020

Hey guys,

the default mail address of my Jira instance is jira@<jirainstance>.net. All notification Emails are sent from this email-Address. If a customer reply to this address a new Ticket will be created or comment will add to an existing Ticket.

For automation with another Ticket-System, I have to send a custom email to another Ticket-System. But there is no opinion to send a custom email with smart-values like {{customFields}} on a transition.

So I decided to create a webhook at the transition. This webhook triggers an azure function. This azure function should send an email to the other Ticket-System.

Problem: I have no SMTP host for the sender email jira@<jirainstance>.net so I cant send a mail from this email.

Is there an opinion to get the SMTP config of the default mail address? Or how can I change the complete notification and reply address to a custom one?


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