We use Jira to track physical and structural maintenance issues, and sometimes these issues are associated with objects in Insight. We use Xporter to print out these issues, as our crews work statewide. Some objects have 50 attributes, yet we are only able to reasonably fit so many attributes of those assets/objects in the Xporter template for the issue when we print them for the crews to take with them.
Since the QR code available in Insight will take you directly to the object, it would be nice to be able to include the QR code on the work order, again printed through Xporter and associated with the Jira issue.
Another option would be to print out the QR codes and affix them to the assets, though that would be much more difficult, time consuming, and expensive.
I found this snippet about QR codes in Xporter documentation, though I haven't been able to figure out how to map it.
Can anyone help?