Bulk edit shared team for Jira tickets in Advanced Roadmap

Tina Park
August 4, 2022

Current setup:

  • 5 teams configured in Advanced Roadmap
  • Hierarchy Epic -> Story
  • Set Teams to Epic tickets
  • Issue source is a filter for epics and story tickets
  • View setting Group by Team
  • Assigned correct Teams to Epic tickets only


The current setup means I have a whole lotta epics and story tickets that falls under Unassigned because all the children tickets do not have Team assigned to them. I can't group by Project for view because some of the Story tickets are cross teams and so messes up my view hierarchy. Ie. A Team -> Epic tickets for A Team, B team, etc.  I need the view to be A Team -> Epics (for A Team only) -> Progress (Issue count) 


How do I bulk edit all the story tickets to assign the correct Team? I tried but I'm not allowed and it says Plan level teams can only be assigned from the Plan. Which means hundreds of manual changes to each story ticket. 

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January 14, 2023

Hi @Tina Park 

In case this is still an issue for you, there is more than one way to do this.


Advanced Roadmaps

You should be able to do it from the Roadmap view:

  • Select the Scope you wish to modify from the left-hand column (checkboxes)
    • You can select the whole list using the checkbox in the title row
    • You can select a sub-section of the list in bulk (eg. an Epic and all its Stories) by selecting the top row of a sub-section, then the bottom of it whilst pressing Shift
  • Just above this section in the dropdown Bulk Actions select Update > Team
  • Update the Team


If this does not work, you should still be able to set the Team using Bulk Change:

  • Go to Issues (top navigation bar) > Search for Issues
  • Search for the relevant Issues
  • Select Tools in the top-right corner > Bulk Change
  • Next...
    • Step 1: Select all relevant Issues using the checkboxes. The "select all" checkbox is in the title row
    • Step 2: Select Edit Issues
    • Step 3: Locate the Team field (you can use Ctrl/Cmnd + F) - and select a Shared Team
    • Step 4: Confirm the operation

Once the bulk change has completed, the Epics/Stories should then have the Team set



  • If there are no "shared teams" to select in Bulk Change - make sure the relevant Team(s) are created as Shared Teams, not just generated by a Plan itself.
  • You can do this via...
    • Plans (top navigation bar) > Manage Shared Teams
    • Create a new team using the button in the top-right
  • See more information on Shared Teams on this help page


Let us know if this helps!

As a final note, you could also consider automating the population of Team on an Epic's child issues in future - you could do this using Automation (if it's available on your instance), or using an App which provides additional automation/scripting features from the Marketplace


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