Anyone else hate the new jira experience?

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Melinda George
October 18, 2018

You can't even edit a jira in the "new view" - what the heck - not every field is even on that screen.  I've submitted feedback a dozen times saying they are removing functionality and soon we won't be able to "switch views".  I just can't even anymore...  I'm the admin on my team but its getting hard to handle the complaints when JIRA won't address basic needs.

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Henock Zewdie
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October 11, 2018

It is awful! I hate it. Fortunately, they didn't take away the old view

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Thomas Dahlberg
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August 9, 2018

The new Jira Cloud has done nothing but unnecessarily complicate our workflow. Between the inconsistent data validation on the time tracking fields to most things being hidden under a sub-menu somewhere. Our daily stand-ups are slower as are our sprint planning sessions. 


Update 11/20/2018: It has been several months and the above issues, along with many that others have mentioned in this post, are still present. They continue to slow down our workflow every single day.

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Michael Stover
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July 11, 2018

They're trying to save on server hardware by making us never want to use it.  I tried to manage some filters today.  You know, complicated stuff like edit the query.  Failed utterly.  I'll just use the browser's search function on the backlog.

1 vote
May 29, 2018

All Atlassian products are a delusion! They don't know what is UX and Usability. For any minimal change you will face huge difficulties.

All the products have basic things missing, for example, the service desk customer portal really sucks. You cannot do anything, like to add some basic fields to the user registration... So, you will support a customer and you don't know his name, because to the registration in the customer portal you can only insert the customer e-mail. Did Attlassian people thought about this tool? Did they talked with the customers about it? I don't think so...

Even for basic things you have to buy a new plugin. 
I would like to know why this tools are so popular. The name for this is "status quo", but one day it finishes... 


I regret all days about the decision to use this tool! Unfortunatly, now it's too late.

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Dennis Guilbault
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April 26, 2021

I HATE the new "experience".  Why not let users choose between the old and new view?

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Kai Middleton November 25, 2020

Hey Atlassian:  Want to know how to do a UI right?  Go over and look at GitHub.  You see, it is actually possible to create a good user experience! 

I am frustrated by JIRA every day.  Just simple UI issues drive me nuts.  I specifically googled for some place to put this kind of feedback to you guys, that's how frustrated I am.  The UI consistently confounds normal web html UI expectations.  

Rick Thomson
November 26, 2020

And how many plugins do you run for github to get that good UX?


Personally I run Wide Github and Better Pull Requests for github, because its default ui is still formatted for 4:3 monitors...


That said at least we can do that with github and they aren't claiming that the UI you've had to mod to make functional is the new hotness.

Kai Middleton November 30, 2020

I have a 4K monitor with a 16:9 aspect ratio.  Huh, I didn't know there were browser plugins for github, that's good to know, thanks.

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April 17, 2020

Where is the professional functionality of Jira? Just started using Cloud after 5 years' gap... No Gantt, no good schedule management... Just a system for student projects!

Hopefully, the server version will keep its virginity.

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January 8, 2020

The roadmap on next-gen projects uses the dates on the epics to show the bars. And then if you add tasks for the epic it shows a list of them below the epic. What good is that without indicators for when a task is starting and ending? So I go in and add Start Date and Due Date fields to Tasks and set them. But still no dice. I am still not sure who in the hell thought this UX was good. As others have mentioned before, the UI / UX of Altassian products sucks in general. For such a successful company, there is no reason why they cannot hire the best.

Anthony Hall
January 8, 2020

I think that the major issue is that the UI/UX team they have... in general have no clue how the tool is used and why the clientele use it. I'm finding this is more and more common these days. So they wind up just imposing something they think works, without any actual data or a very small sampling that by no means reflects the general customer base. 

Wouldn't hold my breath that they will change this. It's been quite a long time that they have been ignoring us on this. *shrugs*

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May 29, 2020

I need a view allowing me to plan a roadmap, a kind of gantt chart, but this roadmap feature... I didn't find a way to make it useful, so I have to use a third party tool which sucks.

Now I'm forced to find a separate tool such as (too expensive for my small needs) or teamweek.

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Chi Lam
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December 30, 2019

I have to say that is time to find a New tools, goooooood bye my friend.

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Deleted user December 30, 2019

I hate JIRA. Its so dumb and difficult. What kind of designers did they hire?

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November 11, 2019

From 2019, we've migrated to Jira Cloud from Jira Server and the theme is so disappointed, really terrible and hard to distinguish between sections

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Francisco Guijarro
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November 8, 2019

Same for myself. And the same applies to bitbucket.
The UI is super inefficient, it takes LOTS of ram (I've seen each tab consume 500mb of ram in firefox due to web workers, of course this is CRAZY).

The UX is simply wrong

- example1

Go to a Jira ticket that has subtasks

Now attempt to go subtask by subtask and assigning it to yourself (click on the menu icon "..." and click on assign to me).

Notice how the page appears to do a semi full reload and when it finishes reloading (Something that looks super unnatural and slow) the page scrolls to some other place, so if you now want to go to the following item you must figure out what was the last subtask you updated and find the one that follows.

Same happens with bitbucket comments, when you add a comment to a PR file you will get scrolled around a lot making the task of reviewing a PR simply bad and awkward.

Please Atlasian, we are paying customers of large organizations, do not go into the fad of providing "good looking" UIs that are garbage to use. Jira and bitbucket do not need to be cute, they need to get things done fast and easy and get out of the way.

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Loud Developer
September 29, 2019

Link Child Issue > Select an existing issue: but damned if we'll let you select an issue you created just now, or today, or within the last week for that matter. Search all you want...

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Mark Jezioro
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September 6, 2019

So far is a nightmare to use, and currently frustrated.. Navigation between functions seems totally obscure and broken. Perhaps if there was just a common left or top side menu to allow us to navigate features would be great. But if I pop into a team view or really any other view, menus change and appears no way to get back.. This is not even mentioning the wizardry needed to navigate simple epic/feature/story adds in any consistent way.... But at least it uses a nice javascripty / whitespace heavy toolkit implementing all the ways to make menus/drawers/etc options show up..  People above me have constructive comments.. Please fix this, maybe use it to plan the next Jira releases so you can feel frustration..

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Loud Developer
August 29, 2019

I have been using Jira tickets to note important findings as I investigate bugs...however in doing so, Jira will often fail to save, or even save and then somehow delete what was saved and displayed. Ultimately, that means Jira cannot be trusted for any usage, let alone enterprise usage. 

Pen and paper is cheap and extremely robust compared to this new Jira experience.

I suggest Atlassian starts reemploying "smart assholes".

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Dominic Dodge
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August 27, 2019

How many times I have to switch back to the old because ...

...doesn't save comment

...doesn't upload an image

...doesn't allow me to see old comments in 1 click


It's just completely retarded that a company deploys a version that so full of bugs. THIS IS FAR FROM BEING A FREEWARE, WE'RE PAYING FOR THIS SHIT. Who ever manages this product is definitely retarded and is costing me productivity.

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Miguel Costa
August 14, 2019

I was coming here to search about if anyone is worried about the new version but seems it just been getting worse over the years...

this newer one is even worst, all the parts from commenting on new issues doing any kind of formatting or whatever is just so bad... they really like making people harder.... I guess it's the new agile way?

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Allan Schwarb May 30, 2019

PRO: JIRA is the leading global IT tool that powerfully tracks bugs, issues and tasks. Where would we be without it?

CON: Documentation is sparse. And the UI/UX isn't intuitive even for a JIRA Admin.

Perhaps the greatest weakness isn't due to the 'New JIRA Experience,' but the omission of budget tracking, which is an essential component of any basic project management tool. In fact, some may argue that if your budget's not in control, your business model is unsustainable.

Regardless of all of these other annoyances, until JIRA integrates budgets (not just an add-in), it's an incomplete project management app.

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April 30, 2019

I hate that Jira has this market cornered. It's an unsatisfying and unpleasant product in just about every regard.


Bad things don't last forever...

John Zabroski
April 30, 2019

Just wondering, what are your top unsatisfying and unpleasant experiences with the product?

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Attila Bordás _Everit_
Atlassian Partner
March 6, 2019

@jens : I understand that the star drawer should be the counterpart of the old UI's top navigation bar, however, the problems with it for me are eg.:

  1. it's pulling me out of "context"
  2. the elements of it are not structured as we are used to but as a list
  3. due to the 2. and the selected small headers (why?), it's hard to find something easily
  4. in some cases it shows fewer recent items than the old menu options

Also, in case of side navigation bar, I usually think in hierarchical levels/layers. Currently, the hierarchy of the menu is odd, and sometimes slow to navigate, for example, if I want to open a project from the dashboard, I have to open the "Project" page and wait for it to load and find my desired project. 

What would be natural to me is that the whole sidebar would be 3-4 level deep, where I can step up and down between the levels easily, without a single page load. (You did two level with the Issue items and Jira Settings, so I think it's not impossible.) You can also add context-aware search bars to the top of each level..

Example for the mulit-level navigation structure:

  1. Main menu
    1. Dashboard
    2. Projects 
      1. <- Back to main
      2. Search bar
      3. Project A
        1. <- Back to Projects
        2. Boards
        3. Backlog
        4. etc...
      4. Project B
      5. More (navigates to the projects page)
    3. Boards
    4. Issues and filters
    5. etc...

All in all, I am not against the new direction, but for example in the case of the menu, it is currently not convenient/natural to use. There are a couple of improvements that I like, but some changes didn't win me yet. For example, I don't see how next-gen projects will useful to us ... but that's another story

John Zabroski March 6, 2019


That is a very thoughtful reply and probably better feedback than I could give.  However, not to be a sourpuss, but I don't think this feedback really matters.  Atlassian is hell bent on growing the stock price (TEAM - look it up), and the direction for that is to "simplify JIRA".  That's why they bought Trello and launched the "next gen projects" and automatically gave all users access to next gen projects.

I realize my feedback is speculation, but after interacting with Atlassian on several occasions, I started thinking about what the motives are for these changes.  Figure it out for yourself.  And I don't really blame Jens.  He is probably just a normal person doing his job.  He has since moved to Head of Product - Jira Service Desk.

At the moment, let's just admit we're all stuck with Atlassian because they are still the leaders in enterprise wiki software.  Once that business moat is taken away, they will fall hard.

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Attila Bordás _Everit_
Atlassian Partner
March 6, 2019

Yeah, I noticed that they were doing a lot of simplification, so you might be right. However, I still hope that the old users will not be let down completely in the future, and maybe there will be some benefit of my feedback. If not, well, at least I tried... 

John Zabroski March 6, 2019

You probably don't live in the USA where NPR (educational AM radio station) gets a ton of Atlassian advertising.  The commercials are really simple messaging.  "Atlassian.  Collaborate Project Management Software."  They're dumbing down the marketing message a lot for people who don't even really know what Atlassian is.  After all, it's not a phrase that rolls off the tongue.

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Shai Urman
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February 28, 2019

Where the F*** is the edit mode and shortcuts 

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February 6, 2019

Why the heck would I want to be able to collapse the descriptions field in tickets?

I've been using Jira for years and i just realized I've been working on tickets with the descriptions collapsed and did not realize it.  Customers often give crappy or no descriptions other than the title, so I just didn't notice.

This caused significant confusion.


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Michael Migliori
December 12, 2018

I've just switched companies and my new employer uses Jira Cloud with the "new experience"... After about 7 years using the "real" JIRA I must say I felt like the Jira Cloud was a joke when I first discovered it. I thought my new company bought a "light" version of Jira where most features had been removed! It feels a bit like when a PC user tries to use a Mac for the first time where everything looks nice but all shortcuts and tweaks have been removed in the name of "we know better what is good, let us control your experience". No! You try to "clean" the screen and sacrifice the productivity in the process... Why do I have to click on a magnifier icon to find a tiny little link at the bottom saying "boards" and only when I click on it can I see the list of boards... Previous experience with the real Jira was 1 single click on the top bar on the drop-down "Boards". The top menu and the multiple drop-downs was so much more convenient, everything could be reached from one single screen. Remember that people create a mental map of your application and most do this by representing a "tree" of categories/sections in their mind. If all the pages are hidden an accessible via button and links that are spread around the application, you make it very difficult for people to create the mental map of your application. It's a bit like placing us in the middle of a maze where the real Jira was letting us start from an overview platform of the maze.

And please stop with this flat design crap where nothing looks like buttons anymore. I'm sick and tired of this trend of trying to make people discover the application by clicking on every single pixel of the screen to find out what is clickable. We have other things to do! And Jira is all about productivity isn't it?

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Daniel Lee
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December 10, 2018

Yes the new UI Design is absolutely useless.

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