I simply need a list of Projects grouped by Project Category on a dashboards. This make navigating and understaning the structure of our 50 or so Projects much easier.
The current Project gadget is not fantastic for this but it is the only option. There is no other way to view Projects in this way.
This decision is hard to understand. How can you purging features of your product explain with your roadmap?
A roadmap should be the plan for new features in the future. Especially with feature for which you do not even have an alternative as you state yourself.
This continues the trend in Jira to capture all the data, and not only paywall, but just straight up not provide ability to report on that data. At this point, only custom reporting scripts are the only feasible way to do any sensible reporting.
This is incredibly hard to explain to management, which prevents us from actually utilizing this as a useful tool. Guys... I need BOTH the data capture, as well as the reporting. And all of the additional decisions that continue to be made reflect a severe lack of understanding of the latter.
Very very disappointed in the trajectory which Jira is following.
Not happy about losing the Projects widget. It is much easier than having to use the Starred projects feature as I have a large amount of projects I need to follow and access. This is much easier than building a separate board filtered by project. :(
Why? 😬 😭 The projects overview was/is an essential part of our Dashboard and the suggested replacement is not a replacement?! Rethink this decision, please ‼️
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I use the Heat Map and Bubble Chart gadgets every day, more than any other gadget. Atlassian's reasoning for deprecating these features is weak. I use the Issue Statistics, too, but it's not a replacement for the Heat Map; they complement each other.
Pretty disappointed to learn about the depreciation of the bubble chart feature - I went to use it today, and for the first time I saw the warning that it was not going to be deprecated, with no alternative, and no explanation as to why it would no longer be supported. We use the bubble chart quarterly for backlog pruning, and it's absence will be a major pain.
As everyone else, very unhappy with the decision to take away tools with no replacement, leaving no method to look across multiple projects at once. On top of the many other lacks in functionality and support. Which is why I am back to looking at alternative platforms. Grrr.
Is there a better option for the project gadget? You can only add 1 project to the recommended gadget... I have access to over 26 different projects at our company and I don't want to add 26 new gadgets to my homepage.....
This is really a bad decision! We pay a lot for your products, don't tell me that these gadgets are expensive to maintain!
The bubble chart is extremely important for our product managers, this way they have a fantastic insight into the current situation of all customer issues with our products!
Please, if you don't have an alternative, don't remove it!!!
I'm also quite disappointed that you stop the support for the Gadget "Jira Road Map". This offers a nice overview of the releases and as far as I can see you are not offering a real alternative that would show the same as before for the dashboards. It is good to hear that you are working on improving the dashboard functionality, but don't decommission gadgets before offering good alternatives. It seems to me Jira is loosing itself more and more.
I am writing to express our disappointment regarding the recent discontinuation of the tool we used for an overall project and release overview in JIRA. This tool was essential for us to maintain a comprehensive view of all our projects and releases. Currently, I do not see any alternative that can achieve the same result.
Is JIRA planning to introduce a full-fledged alternative in response to user feedback, or do you have any recommendations on how to effectively display individual projects collectively in a single view?
Are you deleting all the content we have for our projects with very little warning?
If so, how do we export all the content of our projects so that we do not loose any data and can consolidate the data either in your system or somewhere else?
Or are you "just" removing "Projects" as an overview tool - the individual projects themselves remain with all their content?
The post is about removing the Projects gadget from the Dashboard, not the projects' data (or the feature).
Also want to call out a message from @Ella Hilton from a few days ago (this notice was also added to the beginning of the original article):
"Thank you all for your feedback thus far. While we still plan on making these changes, we are pausing this deprecation while we re-evaluate our approach and timeline. Please stay tuned for an update next week (the week of October 14, 2024)."
BTW the alternative the article details regarding the Projects gadget is major UX downgrade. I've got 15+ projects listed in the Projects gadget on my Dashboard. The proposed alternative takes much longer to configure (one gadget for each individual project) and takes up way more space, while showing details I didn't actually want. The current Projects gadget is laser-focused and super useful - not just my feedback.
The Kanban board with appropriate quick filters could probably for many situations replace the Projects view. The only prerequisite to making that work, is to know the content of all your projects - so that you are sure you see them all in the board/have filters that show them all in relevant ways.
I currently use the Zephyr Squad add on for testing. I access that from the Projects gadget, but don't see an easy way to do that with your work around. You seriously need to reconsider removing it.
Sorry, still can't quite comprehend why you're retiring the PROJECTS widget.
The Issue Statistics Widget doesn't even come close to achieving parity. I just need a simple list of projects ... on my dashboard to link to. Yeah, okay, guess I'll dumb things down with a LINK widget.
Seriously, is this some sort of experiment to see how many of your customers you can piss off or cause to leave?
I'm serious - this is one of the worst examples of PROJECT MANAGEMENT (from a project-management app no less) I've seen in quite a while.
The whole "sit down, shut up, and you'll love us taking features away from you" mindset is pretty odd.
I'm not a heavy user of these widgets. However, as an organisation admin I'd like more warning about this change. The first I heard of it was a nasty amber banner over my users dashboards. It doesn't appear in the cloud roadmap as far as I'm aware. Now I'm getting questions re: impact to users with the only information being this discussion and that it's "on hold".
I'd like to add that if this clean-up paves the way for refreshed, clean, modern dashboard functionality I'm an advocate. The current dashboard functionality is quite old and hasn't been enhanced in a long time. Sticks out like a sore thumb compared to recently updated UI's like the new issue view, plans and business projects.