This now appears to be broken. We have items, pointed, that are complete but the Insight graph is reading 0 points. Start and end dates are correct for the Sprint. Any thoughts on troubleshooting?
Sorry for the double post. As in the forums, I was directed to ask the question here.
When looking at the insights, it shows
When I hover or click on the +3 or -4 points and see the issues this is what I expect to see. 3 story points added to the sprint and 4 story points removed from the sprint.
But reality is this. Two issues are reported under both added and removed. Neither ticket was added or removed from the sprint after the sprint started.
One of the issues did have a reduction by 1 story point, that I would have assumed should show -1 under the Modified section.
So all my assumptions on what this data is trying to show me is incorrect.
Can someone please explain to me what this data is showing me, and how should I be using it to help my teams get better?