I find it very irritating that normal users (e.g. Jira Users) are shown in the customer list when the customer permissions under "Service Project Access" is set to "Anyone allowed on the customer access settings".
Here I would like to explain why I find this irritating and ask if there is any way to prevent this.
I have a service project and everyone should be able to make a request here (see screenshot).
One person has now made a request in the portal. This person is also displayed in the Atlassian Admin view (> Products > Site and Products > Jira Service Management > Portal Customers) (see screenshot).
But when I now look in the project, not only this one person is displayed under "Customers", but additionally (almost) all users from my Jira instance. Almost all users, because strangely enough the project administrator is not listed here (? but it doesn't matter for now). The person who made the request is marked with "active" (see screenshot).
I find it extremely illogical that normal Jira users are listed here. I would like to see in this view, similar to what is possible in the Admin view, ONLY customers who have actually made a request. Of course, it is theoretically possible that normal Jira users could also make a request, since the portal is accessible to all. But in my example they haven't done that yet and that's why I don't want to see them listed there.
There have been some postings here about this topic, but it has not been solved "sufficiently" in my opinion (e.g. by changing the Customer Permissions here: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Service-Management/How-do-I-remove-these-users-from-the-customer-list/qaq-p/2117541 ). Atlassian itself posted this guide here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/jira-service-management-project-displays-unwanted-customers-in-customer-section-1108093849.html but it doesn't work in my case. If I uncheck the "Browse" permission for ALL groups and users etc for the Service Project, the users are still listed.
So, is there any way to NOT have the Jira users in the Customer list WITHOUT having to change permissions?
If not, what sense does it make to have the Jira users displayed in this list?
Kind regards,