I’m a software engineer who has been contracted to evaluate possible knowledge repository solutions for a client. I’m currently looking at confluence as a potential solution, confluence is very good ...
I'm currently evaluating confluance for my company and have installed the linux binary on a HP ProLiant ML110 G7, 4GB RAM with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. During some testing I noticed, that the uploader isn't...
I need to display the number of day until a deadline on the main page of a project. I figured out how to get the current date/time with: Today: {report-info:global:current date|format=EEEE, MMMM d...
How to move a child page to another page in Confluence? Regards George
I have been at this for over a year and I just don't understand what a supplier is or what it is really used for. I just don't seem to under the concept. The documentation is just all over the plac...
I'm converting from moinmoin to Confluence 4.2. The export seems to go find, but the conversion fails with little explanation. There are some errors about skipped pages, but the real problem appear...
I have static html files (javascript was stripped)--they also have a lot of images (with the oroginal path). When I use the macro HTML in a Confluence page and copy the HTML source code within the ht...
Just created a space and would like to add some comments to the home page. Confluence doesn't allow me to do it. Seems like you would click on the Add Comment block at the bottom of the page, or the ...
I am still evaluating Confluence to upload HTML files. I now have html files that are static--but they have a lot of images (with the path). When I use the macro HTML, I cannot see the image files. I...
We recently upgraded one of our instances from 3.1 to 4.1.7 and I can't delete a plugin macro in the rich text editor, so it displays on the page. We have some macros that have been disabled - were ...
Attachment Actions Plugin Disabled. The notation says it should never be disabled but on our system it is. Is there any reason for this? If not what should be done?
I what to report the number of days until a due date. The pseudo code might look like: June 15, 2012 - NOW() = 63 days Can a Confluence Webpage generate the value dynamically when before i...
I'm using Confluence 3.5 now. Before Confluence renders an Excel Sheet on page, will it run the formulas/functions first? For example, I have a the following Function in the cell Sheet1!A1 =NOW...
I read this article: http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/RSS+Feed+Macro and found that The RSS Feed macro will only be available if it has been enabled by your Confluence administrator. Also...
I am exporting text that uses Warning/Tip/Info macros. It appears that the images (emoticons) that are part of the nice looking boxes are not exported -- they link back to Confluence server. Is there...
We would like to utilize the Wiki to create our module end user and administrative documentation so that we have one place for the data. We don't want one wiki page to be an entire manual -- that d...
Confluence Version 4.1.9 Build 3148 License : Evaluation Question: How can I disable the child page display which appears by default in the parent page when it has one or more child pages....
We have a lot of pages containing tables formatted as plain html code. After upgarde to version 4.x it is nearly impossible to edit this tables. These tables are broken up into a lot of boxes. Ever...
Hi! I'm quite new to Confluence and am evaluating this system for our company right now. Now I can't figure out how to do the following thing: Is there a possibility to make a reusable template-l...
I wondered if this would be possible... The Blog posts from another portal shall be integrated into Confluence , but I can't change the username, who posts it...?
I have latest version of Confluence which is still a wiki (3.5.13) and I want to add gravatar support. Does anyone have done it?
Hi I have recently updated the Tabular Metadata plugin to the latest version (2.11.3) via the Universal Plugin Manager (UPM). I now notice the plugin shows errors in the plugins console (shows as d...
Hi, I have an problem with the JIRA / Confluence integration. I have created an very simple page in Confluence which i add as a gadget in JIRA by using Confluence Page gadget but i am getting : ...
We use Confluence for technical documentation & put out a new version of doco (as a new space) with each version of software. I'd like to incorporate a header advising which version of doco a use...
When trying to add a new user, I get the following error along with the java exception trace: A system error has occurred — our apologies! For immediate troubleshooting, consult our knowledge base ...
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