In Tips for Confluence Administrators: Part 2 We talked about some known bugs in Confluence, and I encourage you to vote for these serious bugs so that Atlassian can prioritize fixing them, such as
In addition to a few bugs, millions of Confluence users have made more optimization suggestions during use.
These suggestions may one day appear in the newly released version of Confluence, and users will participate in the co-creation of future versions of Confluence to some extent.
BTW, you can also find many alternatives in the comments of these suggestions, such as third-party plug-ins, self-developed methods, etc.
Global Find and replace
Customer has requested the ability to conduct a find and replace across an entire Confluence installation, within a space, within one or more selected spaces or within one or more pages.
Administrators may need to verify if links inside their Confluence pages are working properly. Doing that for a huge space requires time, since there's no automated way of doing this. In a space with 1000 pages, an administrator will need to check page by page and validate all links manually, which is extremely time consuming.
Confluence should have an automated way of verifying all links inside a given space and return a report for administrators to fix broken references.
Allow for permission changes to be recorded in page history.
Edit restrictions are not inherited.
When we have a big existing space and we want to change edit permissions of a hierarchy, it's very painfull because we have to change manually the permissions of every pages of this hierarchy.
We should be able to optionally inherit 'edit' permissions so as to 'view' permissions does.
For collaborating on academic writing a word count feature is essential Almost every destination for an academic document has a word limit and it would be really helpful to see how the test is approaching this limit while writing it.
We would like to able to search for exact text, and not have Lucene tokenise, remove stop words, or do any stemming.
We partly use Confluence as a knowledge base for our own software product, which includes lots of system codes, acrnoyms etc. The specific use case that prompted this was a user wanting to search for the text "S/D". Lucene strips off the 'S', and the '/', leaving the search to just look for 'd'. Not particularly useful.
It would be brilliant if we could enter a query somehow that overrode this.
It would be great if admins could edit the set of stop words used by Lucene.
It would be useful to have an option to simply disable the ability to see the Page History of pages on a specific space.
The idea of this improvement would to maintain Confluence saving the page history information but making not possible for users to delete the previous versions (either by accident or with malicious intent).
Especially when merging columns, it would be nice to have the merged cells content aligned vertically.
Comments on pages should be ordered according to administrator's preference - the most recent comment can appear at the top or the bottom of the list.
At the end of this article, maybe you want to know when these features will be released, or what new features will be available for Confluence and other Atlassian products in the next quarter or even a year, you can get them from the Data Center Roadmap!
As a user I want Saved for later page/tab in Confluence to have the same sorting mechanism
Support for assigning a task to multiple users
Ollie Guan
Project Manager
700 accepted answers