the result is not getting uploaded and results in failure as below : <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content=...
Hi, I would like to automate site exports for my Confluence site. However, I learned that this specific method is not yet covered by the new REST API, but can be achieved using the old and deprecate...
Hello there, I'm trying to create users in Confluence using XML-RPC, however I'm not able to retrieve token in the first place. My confluence version is 7.41. Below is my Java code snippet. The "lo...
Hi there! I have Confluence 5.1.3 installation and need to programmatically update the page with macros. I use getPage and storePage methods through Ruby xmlrpc client. It works fi...
We're publishing content remotely and it's not updating/synching. The error message is: Remote publishing failed! com.atlassian.confluence.rpc.RemoteException: Error decoding XML-RPC response I ...
Hi. We've been experimenting using XML-RPC to interact with our Confluence server from our continuous integration machines. This is working OK, but one thing we have noticed is that responses from ...
Hi, I have a simple Perl script, below, to create a new child page under a parent page identified by its ID. However, the contents are being passed as literal strings and they do not render a...
Hi, I m new to work with XMLRPCConnection with Jira instance4.4.4 , I do Successfully Connected with Jira Using XMLRPCClient and able to Retrieving the Projects. Now I want to Retrieve all the issu...
...ass the space key and other parameters to following function: public Object call(String username, String password, String spaceKey, URL serverURL) { Object obj=n...
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