...nderstand the tools available to support your responsibility. Join the on-demand Forrester webinar to learn more! Anyone who registers for the on-demand this week will be entered for a chance to w...
Hello Atlassian community! My name is Sandy and I'm an Enterprise Trust product marketeer, focused on cloud security. We are excited to share that our upcoming webinar with Forrester, Boost data p...
皆さまこんにちは! 何故か今日から3日間連続登壇の野崎です。 不思議とイベントごとって、日程集中しますよね、、、?(汗 今日の13:30からは、ガントチャートとロードマップの比較から、アジャイルとウォーターフォール、プロジェクトとプロダクト、など概念レベルでの整理をしてみるウェビナーを開催します! 普段弊社のウェビナーは製品紹介が多いのですが、意外とこういった内容も求められている...
Reddit, a pioneer in remote-first work, is one of our early Atlassian Together beta customers and has been extremely helpful in helping us better understand how to unblock teamwork wall-to-wall at sc...
Bonjour à tous ! 👋 En pleine préparation de notre venue au salon Solutions RH, nous avons identifié un problème récurrent dans l'organisation et le partage de l'information en entreprise. Pour aide...
There is a new free webinar about Jira Data Management with Revyz Data Manager for Jira Topic Would you like to ensure the safety and security of your Jira Software data? Do you want a...
There is a new free webinar about Jira Data Management Topic Would you like to ensure the safety and security of your Jira Software data? Do you want a reliable and hassle-free way to back u...
Are you ready to unlock the value of the Atlassian Cloud? More and more organizations are moving their workflows to the Cloud. Gartner predicts that 95% of new digital workflows will be in the c...
Hello Folks, Are you looking to automate the provisioning of your users/groups for your Atlassian suite? Join our free webinar to find out how miniOrange's advanced provisioning add-ons make i...
Hello Folks, Are you looking to automate the provisioning of your users/groups for your Atlassian suite? Join our free webinar to find out how miniOrange's advanced provisioning add-ons make i...
2023年3月1日(水)に、アトラシアン主催の無料ウェビナー『ITサービスデスクの最新化が組織にもたらすインパクトとは? ー アトラシアンによる Jira Service Management 活用を大公開』を開催いたします。 本ウェビナーでは、「アトラシアンがどのように自社製品を活用しているか知りたい」という皆様のお声にお応えし、30以上のチームで構成されるアトラシアンのIT部門が、S...
Hello, community! I'd like to invite you to our upcoming Webinar/Live Demo where we'll focus our attention on how ZigiOps helps enterprises transfer Salesforce Cases to Jira Issues without the u...
...T for a webinar as we look at real-world examples of how organizations with complex situations have migrated successfully to Atlassian cloud. Speakers: @Josh Kochelek, Director, A...
Hi there wonderful Trello Community, Hope your final month of 2022 is off to a great start 🎉 On Tuesday, December 13 our team will be hosting a live Q&A webinar where one of our S...
Hi there wonderful Trello Admins, Hope your final month of 2022 is off to a great start 🎉 On Tuesday, December 13 our team will be hosting a live Q&A webinar where one of our Senior P...
Our English webinar 'Improve your consulting skills using storytelling - Our best tips to convince and inspire your audience' is taking place tomorrow! Learn in our webinar: - What s...
Hello Everyone! As there are many Webinar opportunities through out each month this article will be updated regularly throughout the month to inform you of sessions you might want to participate i...
...ync app, Backbone Issue Sync for Jira, is offering a free webinar where we will discuss why now’s the perfect time to start thinking about moving to Jira Cloud, and how you can do it u...
...imply don’t know where to start, today’s your lucky day! Your favourite Jira issue sync app, Backbone Issue Sync for Jira, is offering a free webinar this fall where we will discuss why now’s the p...
...imply don’t know where to start, today’s your lucky day! Your favourite Jira issue sync app, Backbone Issue Sync for Jira, is offering a free webinar this fall where we will discuss why now’s the p...
...torytelling, especially in communicative fields such as consulting. In the upcoming webinar, Actonic explains the science behind the fascination with stories, and provides you with helpful tips if you w...
https://university.atlassian.com/student/page/1246119-jira-troubleshooting-mistakes-that-haunt-webinar?sid=0f9daea0-0688-4287-8fb6-1f8d132ba831&sid_i=0 I received this email to r...
...ree webinar on 20 October 2022 (Thursday) at 11 am PDT / 2 pm EDT / 6 pm GMT/ 8 pm CEST. Together with our Atlassian Certified Expert, we’ll be covering: Out-of-box Jira’s Limitations C...
Hello Everyone! As there are many Webinar opportunities through out each month this article will be updated regularly throughout the month to inform you of sessions you might want to participate i...
...trategy leveraging Atlassian solutions. Join the webinar today to learn: 👉 Forrester: The absolute necessity of modernizing your DevOps and DevSecOps and how the Cloud e...
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