Dear all, where can I find a best practice approach how to manage Programs with JIRA? Just imagine in this program are waterfall and agile projects. I would appreciate to get some sources and a b...
New to jira for testing and we have access to squad already and trying to determine if we need to use a different product or if we can accomplish our waterfall testing projects using the Squad s...
Has anyone successfully implemented managing Waterfall projects in Jira? Are you able to assign multiple resources to the same task, and do dynamic scheduling and capacity planning? Can a PM that's u...
We already use Jira for agile projects but use Clarizen for other projects. We are thinking of moving completely to Jira. What is the best way to use Jira for non-agile projects such as infrastructur...
two departments : one of them is fully agile and the other one – completely waterfall work together on the same project. Can I use Jira, Confluence and Bigpicture all together to allow both d...
Hi, I have some experience in project management and I need to know how to best configure a project structure in Jira. Normally, I handle about 100 waterfall projects per year, that can be g...
...o fit into Jira World. We will be moving to cloud instance soon. But i have to get my projects underway and its been a bit of an effort to do. If anyone is managing infra structure projects (waterfall...
Hello all, I've been looking for a Gantt chart add-in for Jira because it seems like the standard Roadmaps do not support showing individual issues or dynamically updating start/end dates based on p...
Every once in a while, I get to work with folks who are so used to waterfall way of working that they are just outrightly against moving to Agile ways of working, They want me to configure age o...
I have a requirement where I need to modify a JIRA form to accommodate different phases of SDLC with fields being repeated. For example, the requirement phase has start date, end date, assignee, etc...
...hat shows up in 1 stream to a release scope and assigning it as "in progress" shouldn't make it disappear from the other backlogs. For reference, we are a legacy waterfall style project and u...
Hi everyone - just starting to think about deploying Atlassian tools in our 30 person IT company, that deploys a customized software solution for clients about once a month. Development is using Waterfall...
Trying to determine if BigPicture is the right choice for Waterfall / Gantt charting projects. Their website has broken links to documents and their Contact page returns an error when I tried t...
...nderstanding please see below picture: As you can see what we have used is a mix of waterfall and agile methodology. So if the design team is working on Dev+1 the development will b...
...echnologies and tool developments. I am transitioning my knowledge and skillsets from 'waterfall' PM methodologies to new Agile-based practices. My goal is to eventually lead teams through a position as a...
We would like to use Confluence for requirements definition but often we need to get a waterfall type approval from a client before proceeding with a project. What is the best way to capture r...
I've entered 12 tasks(issues) for my new project. They need to be done in order, my project is a waterfall project. Do I have to make each task a Blocker of the one before it to order my tasks?
...oesn't exist, is it on Atlassian's road map or are there no plans to go in that direction? Are there best practices for a work around? My opinion is becoming that JIRA Portfolio can't be used by waterfall...
I would like to create a simple daily/weekly report from Jira Agile, showing only four items: 1. Issue number 2. Assignee 3. Status 4. Due Date We have a "waterfall" reporting p...
My company prefers to use a waterfall process...has anyone used JIRA in this way?
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