Hello! I'm looking for my Children/Grandchildren!! Also known as Tasks Background: We have set up our hierarchy as follows: Initiatives/Epic/Tasks OR Parent/Child/Grandchildren o...
...ssociated with the main project. Therefore I need to be able to create a new git project within jira tasks, and still have it tracked with the tickets related to the trunk project. I am not sure if this f...
Hello, I am trying to use task in confluence. I assigned task to people from a page. Those people marked the task as complete in their profile however the completion of these tasks is not r...
Hello, I created an Epic Level - Hierarchy Level 1 - issue type called X. I would like to have tasks and subtask associated with X issue type. I created this automation , but am not sure how t...
Hello, We have created a new issue type as Change Sub-Tasks which are used for changed tickets and created a new field "Sequence" which tells about the sequ1nce in which they will be executed. C...
Hello all! I'd like to be able to use a filter to show which tasks (within multiple cards and checklists) have been assigned to a person. Basically what the "Q" shortcut does for cards..&n...
Hi! I'm having some problems when moving tasks within a card. After I move 2/3 tasks the order goes back to the initial one, like unsaving the order I defined. I have this problem u...
Hello, there are no start and end dates in Jira tasks. There are start and end dates in Jira User stories and epics , but not in tasks. Is there a way as an admin to add these two c...
...o -> IN PROGRESS 2 - Start Work -> IN PROGRESS When looking at the workflow for the tasks, there only appears to be 1 transistion showing which is "Start Work" - this has the validator, h...
As the title says, I am trying to copy or duplicate a task including subtasks in Jira Plans. On the one hand the newly created tasks should be able to be renamed, but on the other hand the s...
Subject: Trello's lack of a clear indicator for completed tasks and how to mark achievements within the software I've been using Trello for years and appreciate its functionality, but I've n...
Hello, In a Project you can select the timeline Tab and filter a specific assigned person. Wich I really like to get an overwiew for my work schedule. downsight I have tasts assigned to me i...
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