...rivate or make public so others can view and contribute. Creating and Managing Spaces To create a new space: Navigate to the "Spaces" menu in the Confluence navigation bar. Select "Create Space...
...heir spaces — more specifically, how they use parent pages, as well as the pros and cons of parent pages versus more traditional container types used in other products. If you use parent pages h...
La atmósfera estaba cargada de energía ágil en la última edición de la Conferencia Agile Spain (CAS23), el evento insignia de la comunidad agile en España, organizado por la asociación Agile Spa...
よくあるお問い合わせ Q. Confluence Server / Data Center を利用しています。confluence-administratorsグループユーザーでスペースエクスポートを HTML または PDF にてエクスポートを行った際に、出力されたエクスポートファイルに一部のページが含まれておりません。それらの一部のページは、サイドバーのページツリーにも表示され、クリック...
...dd-on , Secure Share Pages for Confluence Cloud by miniOrange that can help you replicate and share live Confluence spaces and pages with unlicensed users or external users while maintaining the h...
...bsp; Export, import, archive Spaces: PDF export is useful if you’re producing a printable user manual from your space “excluding blogs, attachments and comments”....
Welcome back dear Confluence evangelists. In this second article we will have a quick good to know information about "Managing Confluence space content". Good to know p...
...etting up Confluence spaces. Space= Home for the content, a place for blog posts, a place for pages. Blog= a space for sharing news, announcements etc. Pages= A place that has content / i...
...pps that can embed Excel spreadsheets Global and Space templates. (as of Jul 13, 2022) Excel-like Tables for Confluence Marketplace Product page Document - Spreadsheet in G...
...f the other certifications as well. Who is this guide for? As the Atlassian University team points out: Atlassian University recommends at least 6 months to 1 year of experience administering space...
...long this article, we are going to share with you many aspects around the management of user access to Jira projects and Confluence spaces on a big Atlassian Cloud instance. Introduction As site a...
...mport org.apache.log4j.Level public class getSpace { public static Space getSpaceByKey(String spaceKey) { &n...
...ut I am still at a loss as to how to get a space object in Velocity in a User Macro. If you know, please share in a comment. Overview Atlassian has deprecated the spaceManager.getSpace(), space...
To whom it may concern, Our Team wants to create a confluence knowledge website to share our business data. I'm preparing our structure etc. I would need the right to create spaces. Who can g...
...arketplace Write about this in a blog Look back and celebrate (and remember that there are still more points on that list, but hey, we'll get to the backlog tomorrow...) What is Space Tools P...
As I got to know my new lab at work and its wiki space, I made several usability tweaks to help users (and myself). Then I helped a second lab with their wiki space. And another. And then another. I...
Hi Community, Great content that you can’t find might as well not exist, so we need to give you the tools to find the content you need. Now, you can select the Pages item in the space sidebar t...
...aintaining existing ones. That’s why I am excited to share with you our update to the Confluence Space directory! We overhauled the experience to make it faster and easier to find the spaces you’re l...
FINALLY..... 😍💝 My heart just skipped a beat just now when I went to a Confluence page and saw THIS: As a big time user of move/copy and view in hierarchy this new functionality is...
...ow do YOU want Confluence to make your life more comfortable and easy-going!? After reading this blog you will go away and start using SPACES with determined enthusiasm to make IT work for YOU! S...
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