Hi everyone and happy new year! As of December 2024, I’ve been an Atlassian for 15 (🤯🤯🤯) years. If anyone's counting, that's most of Atlassian’s existence. We’ve grown so much since I star...
G’day everyone! It’s time for my updates from the last 45 days. I can’t believe how fast 2024 is coming to an end. It’s been an exciting time for us at Atlassian with our Atlassian Intelligence and R...
G’day everyone! Just got back from Team '24 Europe and it was awesome! The Atlassian enthusiasts really showed up in Barcelona and I enjoyed meeting leaders and members of Atlassian Community groups,...
H-AI everyone! Time flies when you’re developing cool stuff and here we are, suddenly in September. The team and I have been heads down working on shipping something big so this month’s update is sho...
Catching up? See what was new (and still shiny) in May or June. Here is this months wins we’ve shared with the Community: 1️⃣ Catchup on page activity (Confluence) A few months ago we ...
👋🏼 G'day Atlassian Community! We’ve been pedal to the metal during the last month and I’m glad to be back sharing the scoop with you. If you missed my last post, I’m Sherif! Head of AI at ...
👋🏼 G'day Atlassian Community! It was awesome to see many of you in person at Team24 this year! Thank you for all the memories and feedback as we build our products together. For folks I haven't m...
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