Hello fellow Marketers, I am curious how you use SEO tools like SemRush, Ahrefs with Confluence. Thanks in advance for sharing. Cheer, Leo
🎄 Advent Calendar: Day 7 — Uncovering AEO, SEO and Chernihiv Region with Halyna Kudlak Welcome to Day 7 of our Advent Calendar series! Today, we’re journeying to the historical Chernihiv R...
Are you a talented copywriter with a knack for SEO? Looking to contribute your skills on a flexible, freelance basis? Then this is for you! 🎉 We're searching for a t...
...old that SEO would be hard to track with the fixed rooturl as opposed to a custom domain, which is why we went the direction of the Server? Is that still the case? You appear to offer a s...
hello ! In the process of using conference, the new members of my team feel that they can sort the search results according to the page heat to get a better search experience. I want to know whe...
Hi, How do I add/optimize SEO meta tags to the confluence pages? We are using Refined theme. What is the best solution? Thanks!
Hello Atlassian community. Bahmni community is using Cloud Confluence for all its documentation here: https://bahmni.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BAH/overview I noticed recently that all google s...
Hi all, I'm wondering if there's a solution for this. I'm cross-posting some content from our knowledge base on Confluence to our main site on a different domain. I want to canonicalize the article ...
...ome urgency as we are trying to clean up our labels before we start working with a firm that we have hired to help us with SEO.
...verview, Google still not indexing) that I would like to be searchable on the internet, or at least indexable by Google. Some pages are public and are accessible by anonymous users. However, when I try t...
Hi, We have installed the SEO Manager and looks good so far! But we cannot see any function added to the edit bar to add / edit the SEO Macro feature? Documentation doesn't say anything other t...
Hi all, we use Confluence to host our official product documentation and recently a SEO agency analyzed our pages. They pointed out that from a SEO optimization point of view <h1> tags s...
Anyone knows how can i add HTML Meta description, Page title or any other HTML tags in Confluence 5.1.2 to an individual page (not to the master tamplate)? There is a SEO plugin called Easyseo, b...
...lugin for this. TechTime has a plugin called Easy SEO which is not supported in 4.2.2. Any help will be much appreciated.
Hi there. Please anybody tell me what is page segmentation & page combining and their effect in SEO practice. Thanks in advance.
Does anyone know how to add the ALT tags to images in Confluence 4.2.* versions. Now that the wiki markup editor is removed, I am not sure how to do this. Thanks
I have publicly available confluence pages that show up very far down in a web search. For example our company's name is part of our wiki's domain name, and when you search for our company it d...
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