Hello Trello team, I am asking you for practical help, my account is locked, ...
Добрый денъ, пытаюсь зарегестрироваться в trello, но мне выдает такое сообщение (фото прикреплено ниже) и дальше ничего. Помогите зарегестрироваться🙏
Hello, My name is Zhaxylyk. Friend of mine from Russia cannot access his account. So he asked me to help him. He has got lots of valuable information to him in Trello. However, he cannot access h...
Hello. My account has been disabled for some reason (******** ). It happened today. I have not received any notification to my email. Help me find out what the problem is and solve it.
Atlassian sent me an email that landed in my spam folder unfortunately. It reads the following: "We are contacting you to let you know that Atlassian is winding down its operations in Russ...
Hello, I need access to my Trello account so I can export my data, I didn't see the email and couldn't export it in time. Please give me access to my account for a short time, thank you.) Mail:&nbs...
I have lost access to my account due to your company policy. I would like to regain access for at least 1-2 days in order to be able to restore my data from my personal board.
Добрий день, не пройшла оплата за підписку, як її знову провести ?
В Российских сми ходит информация, что все учетные записи Российских пользователей будут заблокированы, Правда ли это, Если да то когда, И как сделать выгрузку данных ?
Меня не пускает в Трелло, говорит, что аккаунт отключен. Есть администратор у которого все работает, он мне несколько приглашений уже прислал, но я не могу войти
Hello. please restore my deleted account
Hi. I have found that my Trello account ( was deactivated. I wasn't informed that you are going to deactivate my account, there were no emails. So I didn't have a chance to export my...
One of my trello accounts was blocked, but I did not receive an email explaining the reasons for the blocking. Could you please resend the email with an explanation or tell me how else I can get this...
Hello! My Russian account was blocked for political reasons. The automatic email got into spam on my mail. Right now I really need the data in my blocked email account k********** . Could...
Добрый день. Подскажите пожалуйста.ю как экспортировать данные с трелло ?
Добрый день. К сожалению так сложилось. что вы прекращаете свою деятельность на территории РФ, не успела скачать данные с Трелло, как можно скачать архив? Буду вам благодарна за такую возможность&nbs...
Hi. One of my accounts has recently been terminated due to the geography - it being registered in one of the sanctioned countries. Here's the question: If I create another account, will it be block...
Please temporarily restore access for data transfer Trello. The account is linked to this email a***e@r***u. Прошу временно восстановить доступ для переноса данных Trello. Аккаунт привязан к это по...
Hello. My wife has had her account disconnected. There were no emails, nothing. Please check . I'm writing on her behalf as she can't even log in here. Please help me to solve thi...
Здравствуйте!! Вы заблокировали мой второй аккаунт В письме указали, что есть возможность перенести данные оттуда, но я не понимаю как Подскажите, пожалуйста, как это сде...
Hello. On July 11, I received a letter that my account would be blocked within 30 days, because I logged in from Russia. I missed that letter (it was automatically sorted as "promoactions") Now my a...
For almost a year now I have been running a getting things done planning system, yesterday my atlassian account was deactivated and I did not receive notifications by mail (, ...
Today I tried to log into my account at Trello app and saw a message: “It looks like your account has been deactivated. We've sent you an email with details of who to conta...
Hello, I have been using Trello for a very long period of time and there are a lot of my personal information. My account was linked with email and today (11.08.2023) I coul...
Hello, I used Trello for a very long period of time and there are a lot of my personal information. My account was linked with email and today (11.08.2023) I couldn't log in and saw...
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