my $url2 = ''; my $create_issue_json = '{"fields": { "project": { "key": "NCG3D" }, "summary": "summary of my first issue", "versions": [{"Affects Versions/s": "v...
Hi Guy's, I am new to perl script & I was told by my Manager to write a perl script to automate the process of Searching all FIXEd JiRA ID from JAN 2020 to Jun 2020 , based on kit and k...
...ry to clone a repository, it says it is not possible ("This is not a valid source path / URL"). I get the error below. It seems perl.exe is missing? How can I solve this? Command: git -c d...
Hi , How i download JIRA:Rest API library
Hi, Team. I am a beginner in Jira and want to create a jira project using the JIRA REST API in a Perl environment. So I saw the information (URL) below. However, there are no examples of Perl...
In my perl script, $finalstr value am getting as [{name => 'SIP'},{name => 'Platform'}], however this is not getting substituted in the REST API. But if i pass the same value as hard-c...
Decided to try out a Perl project with Bitbucket Pipelines and deploy it to an EC2 running Ubuntu Xenial in AWS using the perl:5.26 Docker Hub image. This is also my first time using Docker as well....
I am able to successfully install a fairly common Perl module according to cpanm but this somehow signals Pipelines that this script command had failed. Anyone run into this or have any t...
I am using MIME::BASE64 which is allowed by jira, I think all MIME encoding techniques will be supported by jira. what else does JIRA supports.Can any one tell me ?
Hi, I'm using automated scripts to create and modify Jira issues externally vial the SOAP API. Specifically I use the jiraclient functionality in Perl. On one machine I can create subtasks f...
...erver Error) [...]". In the Apache error log on the server is stated the following: [error] [client] Couldn't create directory: : No such file or directory at C:/strawberry/perl/site/l...
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