I couldn't change or modify the resolution to solved or any cn you help me in this is there anything to enable or anything I missed while creating a ticket
How to change from monthly to anual payments ?
I need help to save my information so I can pass this information on to my teacher.
I want to create custom field for my Story Screen to measure Value Delivered and Quality( whether there was a lot of rework and time wasted or all done as per plan). To meas...
We have a subdomain - support.hqmena.com which is configured and pointed to hqmena.atlassian.net in DNS but the URL - https://support.hqmena.com/ is inaccessible. Please advise on how...
I am writing to you on behalf of our IT department at Ziraat Bank. We have been using Jira for approximately one month and have created numerous sprints, projects, tas...
Does anyone know how to get automatically a list of all laptops, printers, NAS etc... in the office without entering them all in manually. We are all using MAC.'s. Is there some application that ca...
I want to assign manager to some users, so that manager will approve their request
if we remove a user, will the related recorded data be delated in the same time? if we suspend a user, will it be charge
Hi Recently, our 4 accounts can't login in the Atlassian, it always shows: Due to multiple login attempts in a short period of time, we have temporarily locked your account for security reason...
Hey, I'm trying to claim an account after I verified a new domain but it says the account has been claimed already. The person who claimed the account is no longer with the company. How can I ...
Hi, we are trying to set up SSO for out tenant. We have enabled Atlassian Guard. We have verified our domain but if we try to set up the sso it says we have to use manage account. I checked the manag...
I have user and site administration access in Jira and want to test the new Atlassian intelligence tool but I get a message to say - We're unable to let you in. If you think you should have access, t...
I want a free account, but they cancelled my subscription and want to charge me now. How can I fix it?
Tenho duas contas, e gostaria de trocar os e-mails entre elas, ou seja, tirar de uma e passar para outra.
It is my first week.
My Subscription expired how can i renewal and i don't know my admin user id , now i want renewal. How....?
How can I find the actual parameters for API for example what should I input in "protocol", "Host" via JSON. this is the file name: user-management.postman
I could easily find the SLAs for Premium and Enterprise, but not for standard. I would like to find out the SLA for the Standard version Atlassian's product suite. Including the URL to referenc...
I've just begun using Jira. I'd like to purchase an annual subscription instead of monthly? Is there an option for this because I couldn't find it easily?
I cannot reactivate this on free plan
Creating a custom number field in a company-managed project, is there a way to remove the commas from the number format, it is currently displaying as 50,925,210, however, I would like it to be displ...
We plan to migrate IdPs from Google to Okta for our entire Atlassian stack. Currently, we have API integrations/tokens and workflows that exist. When we change IdPs, how would these API int...
Estou desesperada! Todos os meus quadros desapareceram.... Como faço para recuperar meus quadros? I'm desperate! All my paintings disappeared.... How do I recover my...
Till yesterday, I was able to import CSV files to our Cloud instance, but since this morning, after selecting any CSV files, including those that worked earlier, the wheel showing that the file is up...
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