My team is using Laravel tested with phpunit. We want to run our tests in parallel however when using paratest it tries to connect to multiple databases, and the databases need to exist b...
In my project I want to deploy my Laravel application with composer and php v8.1.6, but the default of this container now is 8.2.0 as of Dec 12. I'd like to know if its possible to choose a v...
Is there a way i can ordyBy the releaseDate and name in laravel?
Okay so I have a list of versions I want sorted by date. I'm doing an internship at a company where they give the versions names like 7.3.7. First I did sort by release date, but that didn't work bec...
I have set up automatic deployment in my repositories to deploy my PHP / Laravel applications. Now I need to know how I can upload one * .yml file to my BitBucket repository and to a specific b...
My artifacts is not uploaded after successful run of test pipeline. Here's the yml: here's the result what should the correct code for the artifact?
Confirm access to your account Invalid client_id This integration is misconfigured. Contact the vendor for assistance.
...ebug1: SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT received debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey debug1: Next authentication method: publickey debug1: Offering public key: centos@______________ RSA S...
Hi I'm trying to deploy a Laravel application using SCP deploy to a server. After deploying, I want to run multiple commands like php artisan migrate php artisan config:cache in the d...
Hello I'm working on a Laravel project and when the pipelines are executed, it fails when executing the migration: php artisan migrate. php artisan migrate In Connection.php line 671: S...
Hi I'm using heroku-deploy to deploy a laravel app to Heroku. i would need to run some commands on the server after the deployment. I need, among other things, to migrate my database. Typically i w...
I´ve been having a problem when i want to start my server running the followin command "php artisan server" I´ve read that I can run it with my apache server like laragon, xampp, etc, but actually at...
Hi, I am trying to cache node_modules for my application, the issue is that the application folder structure is: Root: Folder A: node_modules &n...
First off thanks for helping, and secondly: I'm a beginner here so thanks in advance for your patience. OK, I have been given access to a Laravel project which I am trying to clone onto my local h...
...bsp; MongoDB\Driver\Exception\AuthenticationException: Authentication failed. I am using laravel with the well-know Jens Segers's package for mongodb. Can I force pipeline to setup m...
Hi i had one application on which for Frontend we are using Vue2 and for api we are using Laravel . I had write unit test cases in laravel manually i can run it from command line b...
Tried something like image: php:7-fpm pipelines: default: - step: script: - apt-get update && apt-get install -qy git curl libmcrypt-dev mysql-client zip unzip -...
How to enable code coverage in bitbucket piplines for my Laravel project. Here my bitbucket-pipelines.yml # This is a sample build configuration for PHP. # Check our guides at h...
I've an Ubuntu 16.04 (linux ) Cloud Server which is hosting my Laraval/PHP Web App. I've seen Deployment option in bitbucket and I would like to make use of it. Can anyone guide me through?
I've been using laravel forge for a long time with my bit bucket account. However suddenly I'm getting this error: I've contacted their customer support and said that this is simply t...
So, I have 6.6 installed, and I'm working with a Laravel 5.6 repo from Github. The problem I'm having is that Laravel has a 'storage' folder in root with sub folders, and Bamboo is not grabbing t...
...yTest extends TestCase { /** * Test the dummies in this new system * * @return void */ public function testDumies() { $games = DummyService::getDummies(); $this->assertTrue(count($dummies) &g...
Our php artisan migrate fails without a clear error on screen .So I want to tail the laravel log afterwards. But the script calls the teardown without the laravel log.... How can I tail l...
i want deploy my laravel app to one host inside my company, through FTP, anyone can tell me how i can do it?
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