...or the facilitator card so we always knew who the next host is/when our turn is near Push Notifications: Despite this happening in Slack, working in a new way led us to iterate Lists and C...
Hello, I'm struggling to update steps status, and in order to be able to proceed, I need to identify the iterationID GET -> http://myapplication.com/jira/rest/raven/2.0/api/testrun/00000...
Iteration vs Sprint, and cadence. While these terms have a lot in common, each of them has a slightly different flavor to it. They all have to do with Agile project management framewor...
Hello All, I would like to inform you that I opened a Feature request for Xray: "Steps Iterations information in the Test Plans Report" (https://jira.getxray.app/browse/XRAY-8154). Since we...
Can I create JQL that will show me the tasks placed in all BigPicture-iterations (box-type) in a certain status (for example, "in progress")? I want to find iterations that are in progress...
...ariable and then use that in my rule to iterate over the list and create a new ticket and apply the component at that index. Can someone advise on this?
Hey, is it possible to have different interations in one line in excel? Line 1: #{for worklogs} | &{for issues} Line 2: ${Worklog[n].Author} | ${Key} Line 3: #{end} | &a...
I would like to use Trello for my high school classes. I have a few questions. What is your academic pricing? What level of features does the academic support include? Can I hide student email addres...
Is there a way to automatically reflect the Jira Sprint into BigPicture Program Increment Iteration (and vice-versa)? It would be good for the Agile Teams to focus on using for example Jira....
I am testing the ability to add users to the requested participant field using scriptrunner. The concept is check each entry of the Stakeholder Contact field, and if not found in Requested Participan...
When you export stories out of JA into Excel (via .xml format) there are 56 fields that export. The 'Program Increment' field does not export just the PI number, i.e. 1, 2 or 3. Instead i...
Hello, I'm currently running into issues with my Xporter template when trying to iterate an export using labels. I have successfully created a template that breaks down issues using "Status"; h...
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