Would like to indent UI Expands on my page to align with page headers/sub-headers to keep layout structured. Looking for any suggestions to accomplish this.
...hat indent and outdent buttons are now available on the Editor toolbar in Confluence Cloud. Indenting and outdenting content has consistently frustrated many users new to our editor, according to u...
Heya, is there a way to have indents in the new Issue view/editor? It seems to get completely filtered out, even if you paste it in. The only time indents are able to be used seem to be t...
Hi, I used to be able to indent text etc using indent buttons on the confluence editor. I've noticed the cloud confluence UI has recently been updated and I can no longer see these buttons or find w...
Today when I worked on a relatively big document on Confluence, I notice the indent option disappeared. My doc also crashed multiple times when I tried to edit the text. There's n...
In Confluence 6 I could indent a list as much as I wanted before the start. This no longer seems the case in version 7. It seems to mandate that the list start to the far left, with an i...
...hat after several comments it is impossible to identifiy who is talking to who since there is no comments indentation or hierarchy like happens in Facebook or Twitter as example.I have tried some power-u...
Hi, I have a page that I created in Confluence. I am adding a ordered list to the document. I want to indent the ordered list, but Confluence won't let me. When the text is not a...
...ere's a "hand indented" version of the same list, with text added in bold where I want to place it. 1. Some text goes here Which I can multiline using shift-enter 2. And another p...
Every time I come back to Confluence to edit or create new pages for documentation Atlassian has decided to remove/change the way something works (ie indents work or bullets work). STOP IT.&n...
...nd actually encouraged (single source of truth and all that jazz). However, the template requires that the text inside the multiexcerpt include all be indented 7 spaces (standard tab). H...
I just noticed that my source files are all indented at the same level. This is true regardless of the file type (checked .txt and .cs). In the raw view they are correct, so it's not t...
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