Hi Team, We integrated Jira with GitHub I notice we have merged the branch in GitHub but in Jira the status it is showing still open May I know what would be the reason or how to solve it
...irst Monday Night Special for 2021, where @Fletcher Richman introduced us to conversational ticketing with Halp. You can find the video here: https://youtu.be/6ztXDkeqahY A...
This is our first Monday Night Special in 2021 and the 38th in total. Fletcher Richman - formerly Halp and now Atlassian - is joining us on January 4th to discuss conversational t...
Interested in learning more about one of our recent acquisitions security program? Check out Halp's CAIQ document on the Cloud Security Alliance website! https://cloudsecurityalliance.org/s...
...eranstaltung über HALP. Ich hoffe ihr kommt auch alle :-D Termin: 21.10 19:00 auf Zoom Hier das Summary: Getting bombarded by help requests from Slack or Microsoft Teams? Halp, a conversational ticketing s...
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