Hi, I'm migrating a SVN to Bitbucket following the guide https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/migrating-convert My SVN repo had on an early revision a branch with a space on its name,...
Hi , I have SVN repository (Data Size ~1.4 TB). I want to migarte it to Git .But due to heavy data size Git Clone method which i was referring 'https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/migratin...
Hi , I have installed git,git-svn and subversion on my Ubantu still its gives below error. Please help me to resolve this issue . Error: "Can't load '/usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu...
Hi, I'm trying to use git-svn via SourceTree on Windows 10. Unfortunately I'm already failing to clone the svn-Repository. It is hosted by a visualSVN-Server. I get the following Error: &nb...
After i try to remove a svn remote from left side. I found out that I was pulling code or push code, i couldn't see any remote branches. But i can use git bash to see all my remote braches and do...
Need Company names providing solution for migrating svn to git.
Hi I want to migrate my SVN Repo to GIT Repo. How can i do this? Is there any procedure or tool to verify this migration?
Hi all, I would like to know if it would be possible to integrate/connect several SVN & Git servers with one single JIRA instance? The use case is a JIRA server (on premise) serving several proj...
This blog post says that SourceTree 1.4 will work with Git-Svn https://blog.sourcetreeapp.com/2014/01/29/sourcetree-for-windows-1-4-released/ is there any documentation about how to best do this?
The remote SVN repository URL and its password changed. I changed the configuration file accordingly. Trying to access the SVN repository using SourceTree ends up with the message: git -c diff.mne...
Hello, I've setup Sourcetree to work with a SVN repo, as described here: https://answers.atlassian.com/questions/309866/sourcetree-git-svn-fetch-from-svn-repo Now I cannot pull from my git or...
I have been following this guide to try and enable us to move to bitbucket: https://www.atlassian.com/git/migration#!migration-convert<br< a="">> I have managed to git svn clone our SVN...
The new SourceTree includes the git-svn support feature. But I haven't been able to clone an SVN repository into a git local repo. Is there a tutorial to do this? For Example, help me creat...
In the middle of migrating from SVN to BitBucket (git). I'm struggling with speeds from the SVN server right now, and I'm wondering if something like this might be possible: svnadmin dump rep...
I'm using SourceTree version 1.3.3 and am using it on a git-svn repository. I have checked in some local changes to my 'trunk' checkout, and since then the remote 'trunk' has obtained more commits. I...
I've been following the [steps from Atlassian](https://www.atlassian.com/git/migration#!migration-convert) for converting my SVN repositories to Git and then pushing them to BitBucket. Overall the pr...
Hello, I've gone through the process of uninstalling the SVN Importer plugin, however when I commit I still see that the system is trying to call subgit and syncronize to my SVN repository. If I ...
I'm trying to migrate from SVN to Git, and doing everything according to instructions. After creating and downloading the svn.dump it turned to be the dump of only one project (which was currently se...
I'm migrating our FishEye SVN repository projects to Bitbucket/Git repositories. The recommendation of <2GB is in https://go-dvcs.atlassian.com/display/aod/Migration+Introduction Is this 2GB 'si...
I have a git-svn repository in SourceTree. When I go to push, it always defaults the "Push to repository" selection to Subversion, but I always want to push to a Git remote - is there a way to set t...
How do I convert an SVN Repository to a GIT repository?
In the svn to bitbucket migration guide, 'Upload' step, it is mentioned that the push is accomplished using the migration-scripts jar, like so: $ java -jar svn-migration-scripts.jar bitb...
I have a git-svn repository which I initially cloned via a different client (not sure whether it was TortoiseGit or Msysgit). I then opened this repo in Sourcetree ( and it does show the Subv...
I am using SourceTree (for Mac) to access a Subversion repository that has the standard trunk/branches/tags structure. The repository has several subtrees under the tags tree, and I can see them if I...
We are in the process of creating a clone of our hosted Subversion repo in order to switch over to Git. We are trying to preserve our version history, and so are using the manual 'git-svn clone' comm...
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