I want to migrate approx 5000 Bug list from FogBugz to Jira. Before I start the migration project; I want to estimate the time and effort.
We are moving to Jira Cloud and would like to import our current Fogbugz cases. There is mention of an External System Import, but I don't see one available for Fogbugz. The CSV export f...
The JRA online documentation provides quite detailed instructions for migration from FogBugz ("on demand") to JIRA Server, and, overall, this seems to be be a well-supported process. H...
Hi all, non-techie newbie here; with a question about whether it's possible to easily migrate / import all cases from a very old version of on-premise FogBugz into JIRA (on-premise or cloud) and h...
Hi, I have installed a trial version of JIRA 7.2.4 using the embedded database and am trying out data migration from Fogbugz 8.855.0 to JIRA 7.2.4. I get a "Login failed for user <Domain>\&l...
...o mapping the issue types over from FogBugz, I don't have access to the custom issue fields I made in JIRA which match the issue types from FogBugz. How do I get access to the issue labels I m...
I'm in the process of switching from FogBugz over to JIRA. I've already utilized the FogBugz Import Wizard to migrate all data from FogBugz to JIRA. Now, if possible, I would like to export only t...
When importing from FogBugz Version 7.3.15 (DB 745, Build 2407) to JIRA 6.4.10, there seems to be no way to get the Release Notes from FogBugz-cases. I even tried to create a custom f...
When importing from FogBugz Version 7.3.15 (DB 745, Build 2407) to JIRA 6.4.10, the "Description" TextField of any JIRA-issue remains empty. Instead the description of my FogBugz-c...
When we imported issues from Fogbugz some of the issues don't have a description. When I look into this, I discovered the issues in question where created by email submission.
Data were imported from Fogbugz to JIRA via Fogbugz Importer (Import from database) - one of the option offered by JIRA. All looks good execpt that the actions were not imported to JIRA as shown b...
We are exploring transition of Fogbugz to Jira, one of the challenge is other teams within the organization are using Fogbugz and if one team were to go JIRA, is there an option to sync Fogbugz i...
I'm using the FogBugz OnDemand importer to import into JIRA, from a hosted FogBugz instance. It's working well for all the cases, but I found that it's not able to download any attachments from FogBugz...
We wish to import individual project area in FB as a project in JIRA, is there a way to migrate FB "project area" to "Project" field of JIRA?
When I try to import data from my FogBugz on my server, I do not have that option on the import page. I have FogBugz on demand, but that won't work with a local server. What do I need to do to get t...
I'm importing some projects from Fogbugz to Jira, and as part of the import cleanup I want to convert some of the custom fields Atlassian's importer brought over to comments on the issues. E...
Hi-- We're doing an eval of Jira, and we are trying to import our FogBugz on Demand database. The plug-in is giving an error: Cannot login to FogBugz site: The server requested redirection....
I would like to import issues from our old system into JIRA. We would like to maintain for the initial import, the old Issue # and not have JIRA re-assign. Any real feasable way to do this? If we...
I turned on the fogbugz ON Demand import, when I checked back later the import cpompleted and it came out of the import screen, where can I find the import log to see if it was successful run or it h...
...t com.atlassian.jira.plugins.importer.imports.fogbugz.hosted.FogBugzHostedDataBean.getIssuesIterator(FogBugzHostedDataBean.java:182) at com.atlassian.jira.plugins.importer.imports.importer.impl...
Is there any way to map changesets to issues when migrating FogBugz-on-demand -> JIRA-on-demand and Kiln -> Bitbucket? Repositiory and issue import work fine, new changesets are succesfully m...
not getting anywhere with this, but figured I'd ask here. we're looking to migrate off of FogBugz (SaaS), and on running through the JIRA import wizard, we get the following in the GUI: U...
Docs for importing from FogBugz on demand (https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Importing+Data+from+FogBugz+On+Demand) specify that instructions are not applicable to JIRA on demand. Is t...
Dear Community, we're trying to migrate our fogbugz environment in to our JIRA. We have around 8000 cases/issues in fb and are using it for several years. In the documentation (especially Tips f...
The online help docs for importing from Fogbugz on-demand are not accurate. There is no " 'Import & Export' > 'External System Import' > 'FogBugz OnDemand'. How do I perform the import?
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