I am not seeing an option to select inline text for my except macro. They all appear as blocks and I cant figure out how to change it to inline. Can someone please help? Thanks in advanc...
Hi, I have a very straightforward requirement - putting 2 excerpt-includes side by side. I am surprised to find that whenever the excerpted data are from tables, it goes to the left of the page, i...
...eed in Jira Service Management Cloud Insert multiple excerpts from the same page in Confluence 📊 And the last news you shouldn't miss is all about the latest Q1 FY22 shareholders l...
...uggest ? What I need is to extract some contents from Page A and put them on Page B, knowing that people having access to Page B must not have access to Page A (which is required for Mutli-Excerpt u...
I tried to create Chart from Pivot table which is created from other table (same page) using Table Excerpt and Table Excerpt Include. I followed same steps as on this video but copy/paste of Pivot M...
...f English fluency. I discovered that there is an Excerpt macro that connects to the Excerpt Include macro, which has been very helpful when using the Include macro without the sidebar navigation we c...
...illed in the parent page from which the template was created My issue is that "parent table" is not included in the selectable Excerpt Sources for the "Table Excerpt Include" macro, and therefore I...
I have a set of Confluence pages where several similarly-structured child pages have a Table of Contents macro inside an Excerpt macro. The parent page then has a table showing each child page's t...
I have a main page which includes several other documents with excerpt-include. The problem is, that the included documents have there own headline structure. When including such documents, the t...
I have a content page with a table of contents I want to appear on another page. On the content page, I have an /excerpt and inside a /table of content. Until recently this was w...
As mentioned in this topic (https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence-questions/Display-a-Working-Table-of-Contents-on-a-Different-Page/qaq-p/125911), I wanted to insert a TOC inside an excerpt...
Hi there, I notice that the text inside of an excerpt block is rendered noticably smaller than surrounding text although both are "Normal text". I'm using the excerpt block in other pages. Is t...
I have been using the excerpt macro to accumulate data from one page to another. However, when I go to generate a PDF version of the page, the excerpt macros content is replaced in the PDF with an e...
I'd like to drill down into a "section" within a confluence page using the except macro. SPACEKEY: My AppPage:My Section name. OR Somthing like that? Is that possible?
I created an Excerpt and included it on several different pages, no issue there. Is there a way to know, or to show on the parent excerpt, a list of which pages the expert is on? Thanks
After a recent upgrade of the Confluences Tables Plugin, i've now found i'm getting this rather ugly effect when I use Table Excerpt/Table Excerpt Include Macro's - possibly specifically into a t...
Hello, I'm starting using Confluence and I think this is great ! Moving forward in the features, I have just added excerpts from other page, which prevent me from informtion d...
Hi, I have a confluence page (Title: Page A) with an Excerpt Marco. Let's say the content of Excerpt Macro is "My name is Adam Smith" and it has label - page_a_excerpt I would like to d...
It appears that "Table Excerpt" & "Table Excerpt Include" macros were part of Confluence at some point. What happened to them and why were they removed? Is there a macro that I can u...
...ike Excerpt, or if you can add marketplace apps, you can also use MutliExcerpt. In the article The Purpose of the Atlassian Marketplace, I explained why it is essential to keep an eye on the o...
I am trying to use the Excerpt Macro to share diagrams on multiple pages. The sharing part is fine. However, the macro itself it shirking my diagram. When I edit the page I make the image inside t...
Hi Atlassian community, we have experienced massive problems with the Scroll-Add-on in conjunction with the use of a Publishing space and the embedding of makro "excerpt include plus" on certain C...
I am not able to find Table Excerpt and Table Excerpt Include macro instead there are Excerpt and Excerpt Include macro. Do they work in the same way? I am having difficulty in using the excerpt...
...he pages in my space. I created an excerpt containing these classes. It contains a CSS macro that contains the classes. I can successfully include this excerpt using the Excerpt Include m...
I just created an excerpt on a page (new editor) and wanted to include it on a page (new editor). While doing so I noticed that "Remove Surrounding Panel" does not work. Then I wanted to include a...
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