In the world of Agile project management, collaboration and communication are essential. But in this time, a lot of teams are working remotely and realize that synchronous meetings are not always nee...
This past weekend I had a conversation with a couple of friends about how remote working has changed even the way we live. It brought me thinking maybe the distinguished ladies and gentlemen from thi...
I hope you are all doing well and have been staying safe for this past year. I wanted to write a follow up at this point to reflect on where things started, and where we are at one year la...
Whether you’re working as a freelancer or works for an organization, working remotely has always been one step ahead of the “office-home-office” schedule. Successful remote work is all about finding...
Howdy folks! I just wanted to recount one of the things I've done this year to try and spice up my team's daily standup meetings, along with seeing if there's any other exciting things anyone's tri...
Hello all, I am trying to using Scriptrunner (inside of Jira Service Desk) to communicate to Confluence (linked application) and create a Confluence space. So far I have: 1. Parse Jira Servi...
Hi all Just wondering what people's opinions are around remote working and being a Jira consultant. Do people find that the client usually wants regular face to face contact, or that they're h...
I'm still not sure how I feel about working from home, it has drawbacks and benefits. My major drawback is going from dual large screens to just a laptop screen is tough. I love that my c...
Greetings Fellow Community Adventures! I know I missed week fourteen. I have put a lot of thought into it and made the decision to end this series of articles. I’m not finding the s...
Hello Friends! It’s Monday which means that it’s time for another reflection on everything that has happened in the last seven days. This past week has been one of the most emotionally ex...
Hello again Friends! Well, we’ve made it to day eighty-four… week twelve… three months… one business quarter… This week was a significant improvement over last week. I’ve also been a...
Greetings Everyone! This was by far the hardest/darkest week that I have suffered through during the entire remote work/quarantine era. This was the first week where the pressures as work...
As I mentioned last week, I was concerned about things starting to re-open. While there haven’t been any knee-jerk reactions, the data that has been presented is not good. The local gover...
It feels like I just posted one of these, which means that either I’m keeping busy and getting used to the way things are or I’m slowly going insane (maybe a little of both). This past week was...
I wanted to send a note of thanks to Trello and share a way to use Trello with the community. The last several weeks have been a challenging time. My wife and I are fortunate to be in good health a...
Hello once again! It’s now been two months now since I started these posts. I’ll be honest that when I started these posts, I had no idea I still be doing them this long. This week ...
Hello everyone. I hope everyone is safe and well in this trying times. I want to talk about Pomodoro technique and how you can adapt it to your teams in this article. Pomodoro Technique...
I’m back again a bit early this week. It was a lovely sunny day this morning as I was walking the dog and I was inspired to write this article a couple of days ahead of schedule. I should...
A lot of people are experiencing life outside of their comfort zone right now. And while the positive thinking tribe shine with the buzz words, mantras, and reminders to be grateful, there are other ...
Welcome to Blursday my friends! I knew this point was going to happen eventually. If I did a retrospective the way I have the past five weeks, this week would be very boring and uninteres...
"I've always dreamed of starting a cooking class." "I've always dreamed of having time to learn Italian." "I've always wanted to be better at programming." And you already know where this ...
Atlassian release six new team playbooks about embracing remote teamwork. My User Manual Project Poster Inclusive Meetings Stand-ups "4Ls" Retrospective Learning Circle After reviewing the n...
Happy Friday Everyone! I'm back filling in for another edition of Friday Fun! We all know that the COVID-19 situation has prevented us from being able to do some of the things we would normally be ...
Here comes the sun Here comes the sun And I say, it's all right Day ... I don't know exactly which day is today - every day's the same - I think I'm somewhere in week 2 Gosh, this night was weird...
Yesterday I had my first day back at the office after 6.5 weeks at home. I went from one week of vacation —> directly to home office —> back to the office in this time. I wanted to share some ...
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