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×When doing a PR, I can see the details of what changed in my code via color highlights. For example: When looking at the diff view of that branch (not the PR) I do not see the detailed color h...
Hi there, Hi EazyBI team, I'm a new user of EazyBI and have a problem which doesn't seem that difficult. I saw that a function DateDiffDays exists but DateDiffMonths doesn't exist. My questions a...
\[Bitbucket 4.12.1] When doing reviews of code that's new to me I can see the diff in a pull request. I also can click the 'View full source' icon, but that view does not contain the diff info. A...
What happend with the diff tab in the PR where you would see the file tree on the left and selected file on the right? Now I see only Overview, Commits and Activity tabs and on the overview tab I c...
I like the tree explorer in the commit diff, but sometimes would be nice to show all changes in one page rather than click through each file individually in the tree explorer. Is there a setting I c...
I use Beyond Compare 4 as my External Diff comparison tool. I selected it from the Dropdown list, but it does not seem to work. Perhaps the dropdown is based on an older version? I also couldn't u...
Capture.PNG [Update] Changed title adding "different". Suggestion. Some tools represent the space with a center point (• or ∙) or light-gray (░) and tab with an arrow (→).
(OS X 10.10.5, SourceTree 2.1, Xcode 7.2) I have FileMerge set as both my Visual Diff Tool and Merge Tool in ST prefs, but when I select "External Diff" in the contextual menu for a file, nothing h...
I just found out that if a path has foreign accents (ex: ãáé) the internal diff won't show any changes. This is with a git repository, if I try it with an hg repository it works correctly. Is t...
...or now), the diff view of PR 2 shows diff against master, and it cannot be properly reviewed until PR 1 is merged, otherwise, you see commits of both PR 1 and PR 2 in the diff view of PR 2. In G...
I use Diffmerge as my external tool but I think this is more of a git/brancing question. When I have a conflict in a merge, what do each of the three windows correspond to? Say I'm on branch "d...
Our code base has lots and lots of files of various filename extentions. I wish the filename.map file allowed me to have a catch all for unrecognized files but still diff them as plain text with n...
I've got a single file that is problematic - slows down SourceTree considerably while it diffs a large text file. I asked whether there was any way to turn off diff on a single file, but frankly at t...
...reviewing or diffing the file? I would be happy to give up previewing on all files of type .ai if necessary. This is on Mac, if it matters.
I've successfully used a custom external diff tool (an exe) for Sourcetree within Windows. That was super simple. Just put the exe path with backslashes and the two bare arguments in the arguments....
In the diff views on the Stash web interface, there is an option to ignore whitespace. This is off by default and has to be switched on every time one visits the web interface.(*) Is it possible t...
...equest, I'm only interested in seeing the changes made from the previous version. Is there a way to do this in Stash? I know gerrit has this feature where it enables to see the difference between diff...
Context: Crucible v3.1.2, Perforce SCC When uploading diffs for a new file we cannot see diffs between the revisions uploaded. Is this fixed in a later release?
Context: Crucible v3.1.2, Perforce SCC When branching/integrating a file in Perforce and uploading to Crucible it treats the file as new instead of showing diffs from the source file branched from....
When trying to display the diff of a (long) file in a commit, I get "The diff for this file is too large to render." instead of the diff. - What is the upper limit of the file size that Stash is s...
...ow I want to see the diff between all files containing in the both folder. No any changes made in files after commiting of folders into BitBucket. Both commit made in Master branch of each repository....
...aved and committed, but remerging X does nothing - Sourcetree seems not to recognize that X and Y still have differences and that Y doesn't have newer / more up to date files than X (in some cases). T...
Hello, Is the custom action required to achieve this output in the internal diff viewer? Can't quite get the internal diff viewer to show the (optional) heading of the section that shows f...
I love SourceTree and love the pane of diffs. I would really like to be able to choose 0 lines of context (currently the options are 1 3 6 12 25 50 100 lines). Is there any way to do this? If n...
How would SourceTree be set up to use DeltaWalker for diffs? Ideally, I would like to replace the existing diff tool within sourcetree with deltawalker, but if not, at least I would like to set i...
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