Effective internal communication is crucial for business success, yet, 60% of companies lack a long-term communication strategy, leading to confusion, disengagement, and productivity loss. ...
Hello, We are on Confluence Data Center. We are looking for a good way to get notifications out when a decision is added to our decision log (specifically an email sent to a group of people or w...
Hi, has anyone here been using Decisions in Projects? It is a great entity to use and it helps the process (especially, when you are able to record and track"why" each decision has been made). H...
Hi, PgM Community! As a Program Manager at Atlassian for the last 6ish years, my most favourite moments in driving a program are managing decisions and risks. I get all the warm f...
Hello, My team and I are new on Confluence. We encounter a problem on the decisions overview. We cannot see the summary of the decisions on the page then we cannot apply any filter. Can you help me ?
Hi, In my organisation we have bi-monthly meeting combining Product, Tech and Research teams where we are discussing on Ideas from JPD and making a lot of decisions The process I currently u...
Hi, I want the decision report to show only decisions on specific pages in 1 space. From what I see, I can only filter space but no option for page titles. If anyone knows how to, please h...
I can't seem to "update" my decision from in progress to decided? Do I have to create another "decision and delete the in progress one?
We are using decisions to document smaller elements of bigger features. We create decisions throughout the page and build the decisions report at the top to have the quick overview. The `P...
Hi there, I made changes to the Decision blueprint template, but when I try to create a page from the template, the changes are not visible in the selection window. As you can see, I added the r...
Is there a way you can exclude decisions contained within restricted pages within a space from the decision report macro, where the macro is within an unrestricted page?
Hello, new to Confluence... currently use for project managing within a team. I am trying to find a way to have the page or in my case project page name reflect in the decision register so when l...
Hello everyone, I am a huge fan of the new decision report macro that allows you to track logged decisions from a bunch of different pages in one place. However, when I use the feature, it often d...
I am using the decisions macro, and actions macro in a meeting minutes template which also contains information about the meeting (what was discussed, who raised points etc.) //decision a...
I have a Decision blueprint which that lists all the current decisions in a table format. In the editor view of the page I am unable to edit the table as the content is rolled up from all the child p...
In the instructions for creating a Decisions Blueprint, everything works great except a Decision Log is not create (or at least no where that I can find), and a short cut to the Decision Log is a...
Has anyone implemented or using decision journal as in this article: https://blog.trello.com/decision-journal?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=trello-apr2020-n...
To edit a decision, I have to first click on the item in the log, then wait for the page to load then click again to edit and again wait for that to load. It's frustrating and disincentivising to m...
I started with the software project template, which added a decision log. Every time I add a decision via the button on the page, it adds the decision underneath, which works great, but then a...
...e a different person for each decision, right? We would like to use this system for the changes done in our JIRA instance ( on workflows used by multiple projects, on fields, rules, etc. ). Who w...
The subj is the question basically. I am not a huge fan of the "decisions" template, as creating it requires a dedicated FTE that I don't have. With that being said, however, we do have a lot of decision...
The decision log is becoming very large. We believe it would helpful to order the decisions by numbers so that one could easily scroll to the decision number they are after. This could be done by a...
When creating a new Decision i am unable to Publish it.
I work on a fast paced project and it's sometimes hard to keep track of all open issues at a Project Management level. What I want is an Incident page similar to Decision log, that lists all o...
What is the difference between choosing to create a Decision page vs a DACI page in a Confluence Space? Are they tied together? Does one have more features than the other?
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