...ey metrics like Cycle Time and Lead Time, offering actionable insights into workflow efficiency. Cycle Time and Lead Time in Scatter Plots: Cycle Time: In Jira, Cycle Time measures the total t...
Hi Atlassian Community, I'm working with Jira’s control chart to measure cycle time and need to capture the full cumulative time that issues spend in specific 'In Progress' statuses, including any b...
...LA Cycle is marked "In Progress" and is symbolized by a clock icon next to their SLA (as documented here). I have looked through numerous reporting available in our instance, from the d...
...nd their corresponding explanations. Key Metrics Used in Financial Sector 📊 Cycle Time: Measures the total duration from the beginning to the end of a process. This metric assists IT d...
Every task, project, and team member's contribution hinges on how efficiently time is managed. In this article, we will explore metrics such as Cycle Time and Lead Time, exploring their strategic i...
I'm currently trying to find the Overall Average Cycle time of bugs that are in "Done" status (this would include Verified and Closed). The issue that I'm running into is that the gadget Cycle...
Hi - Just recently we started having this issue. For example, I have 501 test cases in "Test Cycle A". I go to the Cycle summary page for the test cycle, and I see all 501 tests. If I click the h...
Hi! i'm trying to get a field value out of field from another issue. i'm using automation rule with cycle FOR, that finds an issue with JQL search and assigns a variable "abcdef". I'm trying to u...
As shown in the image above we want to create folder below the RELEASED,UNRELEASED folder in Cycle Summary, please suggest how to create it.
Regarding how cycle time is tracked in Jira, does putting a user story on hold "stop the clock", so to speak, on the cycle time attributed to a given user story?
I am trying to delete "sample version" created as Test Cycles, but am only able to create or export. I am assuming that I need to check permission settings, but I can not seem to locate them.&n...
Hi. When entering the Jira test cycle option (with zephyr as a test complement) and perform a search filter the test cases are not shown in the filter. I have reviewed several options but none of t...
I want to be able to calculate the approximate average cycle time on my cumulative flow diagram. But I don't see a tool within JIRA's CFD report to make this happen. Usually, you draw a vertical l...
I know this is something that people have been asking about for a while. I decided to write a tool that makes it easy to get things like time in status, calculate lead/cycle time, transition d...
I have a project that has been running for 8 months in JIRA. I want to build charts that will show the historical data to determine Cycle Time in every status that is on the board. For resolved and u...
...n to one Test Cycle?
Is it possible to add a custom field in test execution screen? this field will be shown together with those already present by default (Version, Test, Cycle, Status, ...) within the screen of e...
Hello Experts, I am using Zephyr version 2.6 to create test cases. I have a requirement to add screenshot to each step of my test case so that when the test are executed the user can view the attac...
What's the best way to create a customer filed which will represent the cycle time? Is there an OOB solution for that?
Is there any way to get all the test case executed details from the multiple test cycles at a time Currently i have some 3 Cycle IDs but I am making 3 GET API calls to get from each cycle h...
I run a cycle time report at the end of every month for one of my teams. I have 4 categories: To Do (open), In Progress (in progress), Ready for Release (resolved), and Closed (closed). I...
Hi all! Is there a way to sum original estimate field for all test cases in a specific test cycle. I used to apply the following query and it works, but is mandatory to insert labels in a...
How is the total average cycle time calculated for a given project using Jira's Control Chart. When I look at the cycle time for all statuses I get one number, but when I average the cycle times f...
We have implemented a test case workflow which gives us the ability to set a test case to a status of "closed". Our problem is that these tests can still be added to a test cycle. Is there anyway f...
The ability to reorder tests within a test cycle sure is nice in the server hosted version of Jira/Zephyr - but alas not possible on the cloud hosted version. Can this be added?
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