Did you know that 73% of professionals experience feelings of exclusion in the workplace? This "Fear of Missing Out" isn't just about social events—it’s about missing important corporate updates, t...
What is an “Electronic Signature”? Electronic signature means a computer data compilation of any symbol or series of symbols executed, adopted, or authorized by an individual to be the legally bind...
Did you know the average office worker spends 42% of their time collaborating with others? Collaborative teamwork isn’t just a trendy buzzword—it’s the core of a productive and engaged workf...
Work can become scattered across multiple Jira sites, including over both Cloud and in Server / Data Center. Whether due to team spread, partial Server → Cloud migration, or organic expansion, ending...
Managing projects can feel chaotic. Keeping everyone aligned on tasks and deadlines while ensuring resources and information are accessible can be overwhelming. It’s easy for details to slip...
Where is the project up to? How much work is left in this sprint? Is that epic unblocked yet? Communicating with stakeholders can be repetitive because they aren’t in Jira or don’t have time to abs...
Every day, your team generates valuable insights—troubleshooting fixes, onboarding materials, best practices, and more. But without an organized way to store and share this knowledge, critic...
...istakes, legal issues, and damage to a company’s reputation. Companies across industries face substantial penalties for quality control and compliance failures. For example, the Public Company A...
You likely don’t want to wake up at the crack of dawn just to connect with a teammate on the other side of the world—or stay late in the office for a late-night meeting. But did you know tha...
Hello everyone, I have created the following form structure in Confluence. I have a Panel which contains an Issue forms which contains a second Panel. The second Panel contains two ...
...mplementing a list of safe file extensions that can be attached to Confluence. For sites with public users, MIME type checks add an extra layer of security against malicious users who might rename file e...
Did you know that 36% of employers lack a structured onboarding process? Without a well-defined approach, companies risk losing new talent early on. In a remote setting, employees can't simp...
You can find useful templates from many different sources, including Atlassian itself, which has over 100 built-in templates to choose from, but you might find more visually engaging ones from Mosaic...
Color and layout go beyond simple aesthetics; they are powerful tools in guiding user experience. Research from Nielsen Norman Group reveals that users typically leave a webpage within 10–20...
You have a lot of information to put on a Confluence page—how do you keep users engaged? Expanding sections are the answer. Depending on your needs, you can create them using a couple of different ...
If you’ve been following along, we’ve explored the power of Markdown and AsciiDoc in our previous articles. Now, we turn our focus to PlantUML, a versatile tool that takes your technical doc...
For those wanting to see all the submissions, visit @Whitney Nicholes link here: Submissions We would love to get your vote but there are some awesome videos from other people, so we encourage...
For those wanting to see all the submissions, visit @Whitney Nicholes link here: Voting Polls We would love to get your vote but there are some awesome videos from other people, so we enc...
In case you missed it, our previous article explored the potential of plain text documentation formats like Markdown, AsciiDoc, Mermaid, and PlantUML, laying the groundwork for a more colla...
In honor of National Pasta Day today🍝, we’re swapping Bavarian steins for Tuscan wine and pasta! Join us as we take you behind the scenes of our unforgettable team trip to Tuscany, where Capable for...
🍻🎮 Good day, weary traveller, step into The Capable Arms, the finest alehouse in all the Atlassian marketplace! 🎮🍻 You’ve wandered the lands far and wide, looking for the perfect solution ...
🎉 Ready to groove with innovation? 🎉 Capable for Confluence is here to hit all the right notes with our funky music video, showcasing seven powerful features that will revolutionize your team colla...
...uilds goodwill and strengthens the bonds within your community. Try using a platform like Mantra Intranet to share public shoutouts and praises! How About Remote Teams? 🏡 We g...
你不需要非凡才能获得成功。普通人也能成就非凡,前提是愿意做到大多数人不愿意做的事:坚持、耐心、努力、坚定。 @@Farnam Stree [B站] 杭州 Jira 社区五周年活动剪辑来啦! 9月21日下午,我们在未来科技城国际人才园这个开放且舒适的场地,举行了一场主题为“见证成长·拥抱未来”的线下聚会,庆祝杭州 Atlassian 社区成立五周年。来自新加坡、苏州、上海等地...
Did you know that 93% of users find dark mode reduces eye strain? Atlassian's Dark Theme for Confluence now lets you work comfortably in low-light settings. Let's explore why you should cons...
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