I want to migrate from "company-managed-project" to "team-managed-project". How to export the data included configuration data from a "company-managed-project"? And How to import the data to a "te...
Would like to be able to create a Company Managed Service Management Project, but the option isn't there. See screenshot below. Have tried every project template in Service Management. The two link...
HI I plan to move one of our teams jira project from "team managed". to " company managed" using this post: https://support.atlassian.com/jira-service-management-cloud/docs/migrate-...
-Added 4 users with "Administrator" Role to a Company Managed Project. -This is a business project. -None of the users are able to access the project nor receive a link to log into the project. &n...
I have a requirement to fill the resolution field if the status category is Done for all projects in my organization because some of the issues have empty resolution values. I can update the Company...
I've found a weird bug/feature between Company Managed and Team Managed projects. In team managed, the epic shows in the hierarchy of the task. In the company managed, only the Ji...
Hi, We want to switch to Cloud Premium membership so that we can use Advanced Roadmaps. However, we have a few external users in our projects (Company Managed projects) who are only present in...
I'm fairly new to Jira and one of the projects a vendor set up for us has the ability to create a sprint. The project i set up does not have an option for a sprint. This could really come...
list of things we get in audit log(general configuration) under troubleshooting and support field?
Hi, I have a proforma form created for a Task that has a parent EPIC. When the proforma form in a task is submitted, I want the proforma form to get copied to the parent EPIC as submitted. ...
Dear all, we want to use the new Recruiting template to visualise our hiring processes. Unfortunately it does not seem to be possible to create such a project as "Team-managed". Instead, the project...
We are implementing Jira cloud and defining our governance model. We don't want to create barriers for users to start projects. Anyone have good criteria on when to use 'company-managed' ...
Hi All, I see the following prompt when I try to move a 'test' issue from a company-managed project to a team-managed project and was wondering what it means and what are the consequences of proceed...
Hi We've been creating classic projects based on a "model project" with customized incidence types and flows for years, and today using the "create new project" option I only can see the screen for ...
Hello, I am having issues (possibly user issues :) ) with Classic JIRA Project Roadmap. When i first added the roadmap to projects (months ago), it was showing the planned work in the ti...
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