The Activity Stream gadget presents a concise overview of recent activities within specific Jira projects or involving particular individuals that capture your interest. Think of it as a Facebook fee...
In our modern lives/jobs, we often tend to (we're requested to?) aim for reaching a maximum in every situation. Though we're eventually wide of the mark in term of reaching any optimum. There's a sa...
As a PMO director, I am regularly introducing change and one of the most challenging aspects of that is knowing when change is working. For me, that often comes in the form of conducting r...
Hi everyone! It's been a while. My apologies for not being more active in this group. Our teams have been heads down with planning and exploring ideas to improve our change management-related f...
...rocesses and help with solution setup and change management? How have your companies made this journey?
How do organizations become adaptive, agile, and resilient? What fosters trust and makes people feel safe to speak their minds? Stefan Knecht from it-economics – a 2016 Best Workplaces in Germany aw...
When the discussion comes to mass change of page labels, advice is always given in a way, which might be appliclable in a sandbox with direct administrative data base access. But in real life c...
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