I'm not able to run the command line on the instructions for Import the server certificate. Our Jira directory path is different from the document. However, i'm trying to change the f...
Hi, I'm using a bitbucket-pipeline to build, tag and push docker-images. I'm having trouble using a client-certificate to authenticate with a private registry. On my desktop-machine(u...
keytool error java.io.filenotfoundexception cacerts (access is denied)
How exactly do you update any of the four certs we have in the tomcat keystore? Seems when i try to update say the usertrust intermediate cert, it shows in the keystore list area where the alia...
Hello everybody, others had the same problem. However, no solution has been published. I want to connect an email account from our domain to the Jira Service Desk Cloud to automatically generate tic...
hi, I need to upload the new ssl certificate, .crt and bundle. Ok I can upload the new ones, but I have seen that I have also to edit a file and write the new certificate name. But I d...
I have a local Confluence Sever installed. Works fine when accessed using HTTP://localhost:8090. I've followed the guidance for getting HTTPS to work- but it will not work for me! Seems tha...
We are trying to import our G-Suite users into Crowd using Google's LDAP service. G-Suite requires a client certificate for LDAP authentication. There is no way in Crowd to provide a client certificate...
...OCKER_PASSWORD <REPO_URL>:<PORT> but I am getting below error Error response from daemon: Get https://<domain name>:8124/v2/: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority I know how to r...
...rom the aerial perspective. This resulted in the tables below which I share with you now with some legend. Certification details Legend Certificate/Badge Extension I would be glad if a...
...onfluence.atlassian.com/conf72/running-confluence-over-ssl-or-https-982323781.html In this way, should add certificate file to all the servers of the cluster. But if add the certificate file to load b...
Hi, I am hosting a containerized Confluence (server) v7.0.1 configured with HTTPs and its own certificate on a server. The Docker image that I am using is atlassian/confluence-server. All works w...
Meet Suzie! Suzie works as an Atlassian Product Support Specialist for a highly regulated government department. Let's call them Exciting Government Agency, or EGA for short. As an Atlassian Cer...
Hello wonderful community, I have went through every post made on Atlassian and even Google on a way to connect Jira to AD with LDAP over SSL. I tried to use the SSLPoke class, but it seems the mod...
...he repository location 3- Then after clicking next, i get the below I need to know 1- what is the main issue? 2- what to do other than Ignore certificate errors? I did many searches o...
On my Jira server (RHEL7) I have exchanged ssl certificates. New certificates (cert and key) has been uploaded to Apache virtual host location. From JVM point of I have imported public.crt (o...
I need to upgrade my Jira software from version 8.0 to 8.5. Before I begin, I want to know if my working (external) certificate store will be maintained during the upgrade, so it will work in t...
I'm writing an Jira Plugin for Jira Server 7.13. This plugin will auto notify changes (story/task) to my server (My Server) My server is using an self-signed certificate, and not in the same local n...
Hi Team, I am getting below error while connecting to JIRA Rest API :- Could you please suggest how this SSL certificate issue can be resolved Error 'Connection to REST api failed:', "H...
Summit 2020 is now virtual Click here to register for the livestream experience. Stay tuned for updates about training and Atlassian University opportunities during the remote event. Had you alre...
Hi Team , Could you please help us to resolve our issue we have imported the the certificate in our client pse but we are getting mismatch server ssl error. we have imported this certificate C...
...Passed URI : http://XXXXXXXX.com/bitbucket/rest/slack/latest/oauth/redirect/TL7P64848 I created a self signed certificate and verified that when I open the bitbucket page I see t...
Hi All, I am getting below error while accessing calling JIRA API. After going through the community i understand that we have include the SSL certificate in JVM certificate folder. &n...
Hy guys, I followed this article (https://confluence.atlassian.com/doc/running-confluence-over-ssl-or-https-161203.html - Option 2) to install a valid certificate from my CA. The import o...
I have completed the Atlassian Accredited Sales Professional from Enablement Academy. Can anyone tell me how I will download the certificate? How can I see the validity of my certificate?
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