Hi there, Back in the day, Butler had a "run now" button, which was really helpful when creating due date commands. Where can I find that button now? It used to be the little lightbulb above each c...
I have inventory that leaves our warehouse, goes on a job site, and then returns. I have a trello card per inventory item. I would like to track how many days an item is out of our warehouse. I have ...
Is it possible to check if variable exists with butler? Example: 1. using pattern: "{cardduecomplete} ? Completed at {cardlastactivitydate) : not completed" 2. create a r...
I am getting a butler failed alert, since I created a new board. When I click on the alert to see my butler logs it wont let me access the page. I am the admin on the board and only person on the B...
I can't understand why I am unable to download the automations that I have created/shared into a simple .csv file (or any format for that matter). Is there a way to suggest to the Trello creators to ...
I have created an Automation button that copies a card to another board and links the two together - all good. What I can't figure out is how to check any checklist items on the copied card that are ...
Hello! I am looking for a way, to open / go to a specific other card on a different board. For example: When a card is moved to list XXXX, go to board 1111 and open the...
Hello, To keep track of the cards age and duration, we added a rule to add the date to a custom field every time a new card is created. Problem is that when a card is moved the creation date is alw...
Hello everyone – have a good year 2024! I made an automation in our Trello-Boards which sends an e-mail-notification to special persons in case, that a checklist-item is checked as „done...
I am a bit confused on the terminology for connecting cards and the difference between the actions. How is linking cards different from connecting them? Is that different than relating them? If I c...
I'm trying to send a daily report to my external app via API using the "post to url" automation. I've tried to use the following patterns without success: { name: {cardname}, duration: {{%Duration}}...
Hi all, How would one go about having an overview-board with a list "Not Doing" which scans all other boards for a "Doing" list and when one is found that is empty (indicating I'm currently not doin...
I have a list of cards with varying due dates - I want to run an automation daily that will move all cards with a "custom field date" that is set to NEXT week to move to the column. I only find due t...
Hi, since we changed responsibilities within the company, someone else will maintain the Trello boards I created. So I transferred workspace & board ownership. However, I set up quite some automa...
I want butler to acces a card with dynamic name like {cardlistname}, but the label color is not always the same. There's a way?
I have two automations: 1. when a card with custom field "a" set is added to the board, move the card to the top of list "{customfieldvalue}" 2. when custom field "a" is set, move the card to the t...
I have two boards and a card on each board. The cards are linked together. When a certain custom field updates on one, I want it to update on the other. I can do this, but I only want it to work for ...
Hi there, thanks to automation whenever I label a card on any board with my "priority" label, the card gets copied (and attached to the original card) to my "office" board, and the copied card's n...
How do I transfer Butler automation rules to another user? My Trello account will be deleted soon as I am leaving the company. The board I am currently using with my team uses some automation r...
Ok, so I am setting up some automation to send emails as we move forward with projects, however, the email sent by Butler is branded by Trello, there is any way I can remove or minimize e use of my l...
I'm Brazilian, so I might be speaking a little wrong. I need to send two data from the description of a card to my WhatsApp, and I use a Brazilian program called "botconversa" and it provides a webh...
Rise above the busywork with our favorite Trello automations Whether you're an automation newbie or an experienced pro, you can automate mindless busywork with Trello automations. For ideas...
I'm using the Dashcards power up and all my lists have Dashcard header card showing the list's card count. I tried adding a Butler rule to archive all cards older than sixty days and it archived t...
Hey everyone! I'm running into a bit of a roadblock when it comes to using custom fields in automations. If I wanted to reference a card using the "lookup" function and copy the looked up card's cus...
...p building the 10 or so tasks (some times a lot more) in each card, defining a date for each, and then adding myself over and over to each task. I've tried using butler to create a column where I j...
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