Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. During this time, you will find the site temporarily inaccessible. Thanks for your patience. Read more.
×Rise above the busywork with our favorite Trello automations Whether you're an automation newbie or an experienced pro, you can automate mindless busywork with Trello automations. For ideas...
...very week, I'll prompt myself to put down at least one "Achievement". I do this with a Butler rule: every friday at 12:15 pm, create a new card with title "<Insert this week's Achievement>" i...
Connect your team boards together using Butler More and more teams are adopting Trello as a way to collaborate remotely, and what started as one simple board has now grown into many boards, but h...
Today, we have a special treat! Community Leader, self-proclaimed Trello nerd, software engineer, blog author, and productivity guru extraordinaire @Brittany Joiner is with us to talk about an e...
I work on a team that gets a lot done. We track all our work using Trello cards. Each task has a card on our board. Here's how we make sure our board stays usable, fast, and organized: We use Butler...
Some Context... I'm writing this, inspired by the @Jimmy Seddon's awesome Trello, Gaming & Charity (Oh My!) - featuring butler automation! I work on Trello, and on Butler. I'm an engineer on t...
...eaders contain template information that is used by a series of Butler Automation rules that do all the heavy lifting on the board. We have a layout, now how do we automate it? I started by having a...
...e’re making more automation command types available to all Butler users, including free plans! Trello’s automation arm, Butler, is here to help shave steps off your workflow a...
A few months ago, Reports rolled out as an option within Butler. Reports pull card data on a schedule, and they can be formatted to include the content, styling, and layout you desire on whatever s...
Discovering (then) ButlerBot in late 2016 rocked my Trello world. At that point, I’d been using Trello for 5 years and thought I couldn’t possibly get more out of the productivity tool than I a...
...eed to action them. I'm also fascinated with the Butler Power-Up and I want to explore more ways to automate my tasks—conserving time and a few mouse clicks. What are y...
...ashboard to show the progress our team has made. Butler: Similar to conditions, triggers and validators in Jira Software, Butler automates your Trello board with rules which saves you from doing a lot of m...
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