Does anyone have any information about how the system CSS resources are batched up and included in the output of Confluence? I suspect they are some sort of combination of the various (indeed, over...
I want to deactivate or delete users with a kind of e-mai Domain. For example. In the Group jira-users are 400 user active with diffrent e-mail domains (;; etc.) Now i want to ...
Is there a way to add a user to a project role across all existing projects -- in bulk? Default role memberships is a good way to be proactive but we are looking for a retroactive method.
Please How can a JIRA Administrator give me the ability to view the below option? "send mail for this update" The goal > > > perform Jira bulk update across various teams so they d...
I'm trying to change the value of the "Resolution" field for a large number of issues, and I've read that for this, one needs to use the Bulk Transition feature. However, I cant seem to be bale to pe...
24-May-12 Hi, We're running JIRA v5.0. We copied our production JIRA to development. On our development JIRA, we deleted all projects, groups (with the exception of the JIRA groups), and the users...
It seems like the "Change Epic/Theme" drop-down list is working as if it was the "Change Labels" drop-down list - unless I'm mis-understanding how it is supposed to work? Notice how the "Labels" inst...
Hi, We have a CSV file of standard issues which we import into each new GH/Scrum project. The issues are ordered sequentially in the CSV file. However I notice that after the import, the stories ...
We have a number of terminated employees that have both active and closed issues. Rather then let them sit there, can I mass move then to be owned by another user?
Hi, Is there a way to create 500 internal JIRA users (bulk). we don't have active directory, or other type of integration facility. Do we need to create them manually? Thanks,
I have hundreds of bugs that require testing, I'd really like a way to bulk create test sessions for these bugs, quoting the bug description and a generic task or test script such as "ensure the issu...
Everyone: I have a situation where a client has a number of custom fields that need updating to different custom field types. I would prefer to stay out of the database or do project exports, alth...
How to bulk change Assignee or bulk change Reporter to another user? I have a user that is no longer active within my projects and need to move all the tickets that were created by user and assigne...
Greetings, I have 100+ Defect JIRA issues I want to link to a Single output Build Issue. I've been reading up on Bulk Actions, but I don't see a Bulk Link Action. help? Thanks
i search out the filter user , and the user amount i want to delete is large . so i need to bulk delete user ,that may save a lot of time welcome for your suggestions !
How can i delete bulk user all of them in one group in jira4.3.4? Jelly runner or other ways? Thank you!
Is there any way to bulk unwatch pages in Confluence? With the new autowatch feature, users end up watching potentially hundreds of pages. It's extremely tedious to individually unwatch these pages. ...
Hi, I have 2 different JIRA and one will be migrated to the other. I have to migrate all the spaces users and groups to the new instance. I'd like to ask you for help how could I copy the user-gr...
Is there a way to bulk edit the remaining time on resoved issues. My understanding is, that I can filter resolved issues and then I would like to bulk edit the remaining time to zero. However the...
GOAL: Migration: Process for single HTML Export of existing wiki and single import using an (unknown) Bulk Import Command ################################## ### USE CASE: #######################...
I've got a couple of cases in my system where I want to watch an issue and all of the sub-tasks associated. I figure there must be either a flag to "watch children when watching the parent" or "bulk...
It seems that a batch.js file provided by confluence has jQuery functions, but I can't seem to use them. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong if anything. This is a quick sample test I made, but it do...
Is there a way to add a watcher to a set of issues in batch? i.e. Select all issues for a certain project and add a specific watcher to all of them in one shot? Thanks!
Is there a way to batch search and replace within Confluence? I have found an abandoned plugin which does this, but it does not support Confluence 3.4+ Is there a way to do this through webDav ma...
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