Is there a way to setup notifications when a card is automatically created on Trello? I got Survey monkey survey linked through Zapier on Trello, I "watch" the list, but I do not receive email n...
I want to be able to add staff to certain lists myself, instead of them having to go and select "watch" manually for every List. Is this possible ?
Hello Product Experts! We think our minds are playing tricks on us. We could swear there used to be an eyeball "watch" icon on each page in our space to "watch" a page. Just today we noticed the e...
...rowse > Content” in the header, then choose “Last Updated”. Pages on the sidebar should be listed by Updated date Watch Feature The Watch feature in Confluence allows you to get notified about c...
When we add members on a card, the watch button automatically enables. But this is not useful for us. We're a small team and we have our board open all the time, so we get notifications every time a...
Hi, I have created a ConfiForm in Confluence, however, every time someone submits the form, it automatically adds them as a page watcher. This means every time another user submits a form, they g...
I have given an instruction to a new Trello user to click on the three-dot icon at the top of a specific column and to choose 'watch' from the drop-down list in order that she automatically get n...
...ontributed to the card sometimes seem to maintain their watch status, but for reasons unknown to us, sometimes they don't. We've tested many variables about how people come to watch a card (added as a m...
I work in a vast company, and I'm responsible for a section of the product. Let's call it section X. I searched a space: type: page, title: X. This way, the results were perfect for what I needed: pa...
Hi need to show labels like bottom on a page, and people able to click on it to watch or unwatch. something like this: Any idea? Thanks
.../apps/1212399/simply-watches?hosting=cloud&tab=overview Any idea? Thanks,
We have a public space, where everyone can read our documentation. We now have some pages which are not published yet, so they have some restrictions. The problem is that people who are watch...
Is it possible to turn email notifications on for e.g. only mentions? Currently it seems that i can only disable all or nothing. I know i could manually go through all pages and set my watch...
Hi all I've just noticed that there is an automatic set to 'watching the page', each time I contribute to a form (ConfiForm v.2.24.7 for Confluence) Which means that each time I use this form, I h...
Hello ! I'd like to receive email notifications on all changes on a board. The doc ( ) says that watching the board should do that....
I have a main page in Confluence which consists of 100 other pages under it. How do I get myself added in the Watcher list for all those pages without actually having myself added manually in all 1...
Even though I am being mentioned in tickets, and comments are being added to tickets I am watching, I am no longer receiving email notifications. Could someone please help me turn them back on? T...
Hello, my goal is to remove the default space watch of newly created users. so i managed to get space watchers and their affiliated account id by requesting: GET /wiki/rest/api/space/SPACEKEY/watch...
Hey everyone, We have a space in our Confluence instance that contains sensitive data that has specific rules around getting sent via e-mail. Since there isn't a good way to natively set watches f...
This App is the power tools of the watching world. Features include: Watch at a project level (i.e. by component, issue type, priority...) Get a field to add watchers in the issue creation p...
Hi, currently, when we have a new person joining our company, and we accordingly set up a new confluence account for this user, the user is automatically added as a watcher to our c...
I am having exactly the same issue. In my JIRA personal settings in Watch your issues it is already set to Enabled for all issue that I interact with. However, I am not added to watchers' l...
When i choose widget setup exclude issues which is done, tasks are showing anyway. HOw to solve this?
Hi, I have a question regarding the watch feature that Trello offers. You can watch cards, lists, or boards. I am using this feature on a certain board list, however, I noticed that if s...
Is there a way on your homepage or another method for customizing a feed of updated pages/etc. you would like to see? I can see when I login to Confluence on the right the Feed with all updates or po...
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