...orkflows, ensuring smooth and accurate deployments. 💾 Backup and Recovery Without Clutter Backing up workflows is essential, but creating backups within Jira often leads to inactive workflows p...
...etention and securing your data, regardless of whether it is a SaaS product. Hycu also helped us understand how these backups can also provide a far more sophisticated data recovery engine for multiple s...
...he significance of Jira Automation, today we are introducing support for backup of Jira Automation rules. If you are a customer of the Revyz Data Manager or Revyz Configuration Manager, this feature i...
...loud. Rewind backups include all items including spaces, pages, attachments, comments, blogposts, templates, and themes. Please note that it does not allow you to migrate or duplicate data into a d...
※本記事は、Jonathon Yuが2022年12月9日に公開した英語記事「Expanding audit log coverage to Jira/Confluence permissions and Bitbucket」を翻訳したものです。内容に相違が見受けられる場合、英文ページの内容を正とします。 こんにちは。 当社ではAtlassian Cloudで組織の監査ログをローンチして以...
...orror stories of admins misconfiguring a Jira board or Confluence space and giving permissions to the public internet. With the new permissions logs, you’ll be able to know what happened and trace back t...
...orror stories of admins misconfiguring a Jira board or Confluence space and giving permissions to the public internet. With the new permissions logs, you’ll be able to know what happened and trace back t...
...loud instance (pages, spaces, blog posts, attachments, comments, templates, and themes) Backup Features: Rewind Backups for Confluence provides daily backups with no limits on s...
...rivate app. Rewind’s solution provides full backup coverage of your Confluence data. Your backups will include all the data you have on your Confluence instance including pages, spaces, blog...
...owntime and your users happily using the application with no issues. In this article, let's have a look at how backup, high availability, and disaster recovery can be managed for Jira Data Center. The backup...
...nstances. What would have taken hours or days to complete can now be done in a few clicks! *Weeps with joy You may be thinking that you're safe from data wipes by taking regular Jira backup...
Atlassian DC Labs Backmac NB: Atlassian CloudFormation Backup Machine has been renamed to Atlassian Labs DC Backmac. Backmac is an AWS SAM app for performing backups of Atlassian Data Center a...
In order to provide fast searching, Jira creates an index of all the text entered into issue fields which is stored on the file system and updated whenever issue text is added or modified. However, i...
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