Hi there, I'm keen to hear some examples of remote asynchronous working methods non-profits are using to engage and collaborate with small teams across several countries? Any thoughts, i...
...kay. The same goes for your team; everyone has different home environments. Practicing kindness and understanding helps create a supportive remote work culture. 7. 📬 Prioritize Asynchronous...
Ask Confluence Group Product Manager, Jason Phan, questions on async collaboration tools and practices between now and Tuesday, 12 October EST. Asynchronous collaboration relies on d...
Online meetings are here to stay, but we can reduce their number at least. Understanding which tasks are better completed with a meeting, and which can be done asynchronously with the right tools, w...
Hi all, I have a custom field in a task that I want to increment by 1 by a remote service. That service will have several instances running asynchronously, and each needs to increment the field b...
Hi All, I'm building a business process which is managed in a Jira ticket which transfers between different statues that represent the process stage. As part of this process, I'm in need of creat...
What is the recommended practise when using the REST API calls, I have noticed any mutations to the repo are reflected only after a short delay, this delay differs each time. What I mean by that is ...
Team, We have Jira plugin, in which we used almost all the Jira Event listener. but we need to handle all the event listener in asyn mode. How to handle the Jira event listener asynchronous way?
...mp;gt;() { public void failed(UnirestException e) { logger.info("Exception failure ${e.toString()}") } public void completed(HttpResponse&a...
Hi All, Is there any way that we can make listners async? I found https://bitbucket.org/atlassianlabs/async-events-tutorial and just wanted to check whether any other way. Thanks, Ishan
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