¡Hola a todos! Finalmente, y con mucho esfuerzo hemos confirmado todos los detalles del único evento al que debes asistir el próximo 27 de febrero, al cuál asistirá un representante de Atlassi...
...antastic opportunity to learn, network, and share ideas! Big shout out to ACEPune team - Anil Kumar, @Jayesh Baviskar , @Sachin Dhamale Sachin Pawar Anil Kumar Piyush A...
...bsp; Recuerda subscribirte a la comunidad para que recibas la información por correo electrónico. De momento, os dejo el enlace para que os guardéis sitio >> https://ace.atlassian.com/e...
Join us for the Phoenix chapters next ACE on March 19th from 5:30 to 8:30 Phoenix time at GitKraken's Office in Scottsdale! 🎉 Here’s what’s in store: ✨ A deep dive into the Developer E...
...。 同时,我们会记录每位小伙伴的活动参与情况,并在周年庆等重要日子对积极参与者、志愿者和讲师进行特别表彰,以感谢大家对社区的支持与贡献。例如:【PPT 下载】杭州 ACE 五周年活动回顾。恭喜四位幸运小伙伴在抽奖环节获得了 Jira 认证代金券(免费考证)。 让我们携手共建一个更具凝聚力的社区,共同成长!🤝 活动 PPT 下载 请先关注“跟YY哥学Jira”公众号,然后回复...
...nthusiasm and participation of our amazing ACE leaders, our members, as well as the support of our dedicated leaders and partners. Let’s take a moment to recap the highlights of our year and celebrate the i...
Last night the Phoenix ACE chapter had an energizing event focused on shaping up our teams through better collaboration and connection. With hybrid and remote work becoming the norm, fostering a s...
Join us for the Phoenix chapters next ACE on November 14th from 5:30 to 8:30 PM (MST) at Nextiva in Scottsdale! Let's hit the gym: shape up your team by building a shared u...
你不需要非凡才能获得成功。普通人也能成就非凡,前提是愿意做到大多数人不愿意做的事:坚持、耐心、努力、坚定。 @@Farnam Stree [B站] 杭州 Jira 社区五周年活动剪辑来啦! 9月21日下午,我们在未来科技城国际人才园这个开放且舒适的场地,举行了一场主题为“见证成长·拥抱未来”的线下聚会,庆祝杭州 Atlassian 社区成立五周年。来自新加坡、苏州、上海等地...
The Nashville Atlassian Community will be holding an in-person event on October 10th! Join us at Sonny's Patio Pub for OPStoberfest, where we'll be talking OpsGenie and Jira Service Management while ...
活动亮点: Atlassian 客户成功案例分享 社区成员五年成长故事分享 协作管理与演进式变革的深入探讨 有趣的 Atlassian 团队剧本现场体验 发起“一起学习,共同成长”倡议 五周年庆典与丰厚抽奖互动 活动宣传: 🎉杭州 Atlassian 社区五周年庆典🎉 见证成长,拥抱未来!五年砥砺前行,...
主题:Cloud 实践、AI、ITSM/ESM 等主题,欢迎大家自荐与推荐~ 联系方式:微信 craigyoung1985
Max, ich und alle Teilnehmenden sind sehr glücklich, dass es endlich wieder losgegangen ist. Unser erstes Event dieser Art seit langer Zeit in München war ein großartiger Neustart. Neben den Vorträ...
企业管理者重视度量:到底应该度量什么?如何做度量可视化? 具体内容: • 什么是度量? • 在⼯作中为什么要度量? • 怎么进行度量? • 敏捷度量?度量敏捷? • Atlassian 云平台度量与报表能力 欢迎扫码报名:企业管理者重视度量:到底应该度量什么?如何做度量可视化?
...bsp;this year's winner of the prestigious Leader's Choice Award from the Atlassian Community. It's his contributions to our ACE chapter that made him the overwhelming choice from his own peers - over 1...
Hi all, Our team just came back from Team 24 where we delivered a Forge training to around 150 of you! We are now back and ready to share our knowledge with you all as part of the A...
...ut Partners joining us and RSVP here Volunteers Needed! Customer Story Needed! Atlassian are seeking a customer to join an ACE to collaborate and share a story about their journey u...
Spring is in the air and the NYC ACE Chapter has scheduled a compelling evening of content to get the spring in your Confluence and AI step. It's not just spring cleaning, but spring s...
...wag 😉) Don't forget to RSVP and register using the link below. ⬇ See you there! 🌟👥 https://ace.atlassian.com/events/details/atlassian-vancouver-presents-the-team-24-survival-guide-get-the-most-out-of-t...
...f the department you work in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXJ7gtIql2c Should you wish to review the slide deck in your own time you can view that below: https://www.dantombs.co.uk/blog/ace...
...onference hosted by Atlassian Community Events (ACE) NYC Chapter on January 24, 2024! 🌍 Unleash was held last month in Amsterdam - but that’s an ocean away from NYC Luckily, no overseas travel o...
Atlassian 社区日电影派对 | 上海站 将于1月20日开启,期待您的加入!在冬日寒冷的周六的午后,让我们共同团聚于热力四射的 Atlassian 社区日派对!届时,我们将和大家分享全球最新的 AI 软件、敏捷和 DevOps 趋势及最佳实践,探讨如何借助这些技术提升团队效能。 时间:1月20日 (周六) 中午12:30 ...
A Hands-on Cloud-Migration Workshop to Prepare for Server End of Support 🦅 The NYC ACE is excited to be hosting an in-depth discussion with Atlassian Cloud Migration Team members @Hnisha P...
Jira and Confluence Administrators Roundtable The NYC ACE chapter is excited to post our next in person event that is taking place on November 29 at Atlassian NYC Offices! This will be a r...
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